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Alina woke to the sound of her cell phone vibrating. She jumped up from the bed and ran to where she had dropped her backpack on the ground. She picked up her cell phone to see her aunt's name flashing across the screen.

"Alina," Aunt Ana said, her voice frantic, "where are you?"

"I went to----"

Her phone was wrenched out of her hand. "Hi, Ana," said Aleksander, "I took Alina in for a work thing early this morning."

Alina couldn't hear what her aunt was saying on the other side but she saw Aleksander nodding furiously saying, "Uh huh, uh huh...I understand. I completely understand. Yes, well about that----"

There was a long pause. "I'd like to have Alina live in The Great House to help me on a project that I'm working on. It would be useful to have someone at home that could assist me." Aleksander listened to whatever her aunt was saying.

Alina waited anxiously, knowing how formidable her aunt could be.

Aleksander smirked. "I'll take good care of her, Ana. Of course, I will. And I'll make certain that she keeps up with her studies."

Alina could hear her aunt ranting furiously about something, and then the call seemed to end because Aleksander handed her cell phone back.

"You're officially staying here," he said.

Alina blushed. "What does that mean? Am I working today?"

"Today is Tuesday. You're only supposed to work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. After the night that you've had, you'll need to rest. Besides, I assume that you've got school work that you need to do?"

"Of course."

From the bed, Mal groaned, and rolled over, awake. "What are you two doing up? You should be relaxing here, with me."

"Ana called," Aleksander explained.

"Shite!" Mal swore. "Did you handle it?"

Aleksander grinned. "Alina will be living in The Great House from now on. We'll have her at our beck and call, brother. To do with as we please. Starting with that butt plug that I promised her she'd be punished with."

Alina blushed, crossing her arms over her chest. She was still naked. "I'm still wet and sticky with your cum from the night before. From both of you."

Mal and Aleksander exchanged looks.

"Maybe we out to give her a shower, brother," said Mal, "we can shave that little pussy of hers, the better to see that sparkling butt plug I know that you've got picked out for her. We'll make her wet. In more ways than one."

"I do like the sound of it. Come on, Alina."

There was a door in the room Alina hadn't noticed before that Aleksander opened, revealing a big bathroom. There was a jacuzzi sized tub in there, along with a shower big enough to fit all three of them in.

"Alina's probably sore," said Mal, "maybe we should use the tub instead. Let her rest before we devour her again."

"I suppose," said Aleksander, "are you sore, Kiska?"

Alina nodded. "It's a good kind of sore, though. An ache."

"Throbbing?" Mal asked, waggling his eyebrows.

Alina blushed. "Yes."

"Oh, we'll help with that too."

Mal turned on the faucet, letting the tub fill up with water. There were oils and bubbles and he used both until the water was filling up. When the water was almost to the top, he said, "Get in, Lina."

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