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Out of all of the scenarios that Alina had imagined, the last thing had been Mal and Aleksander sharing her. But here she was, in her own room in The Great House, with the two of them getting ready to fuck her. Aleksander was naked, and he liked to take her without a condom since she was on the pill, and he was safe. She assumed she was safe. At the end of the month, they would get their STD tests, like the contract requested. And she had insisted both of them do it too.

Aleksander looked down at her with hunger in his eyes. "What do you think we should do first, Mal?" he asked his brother. "Do you think we should use one of our toys on her first?"

Mal grinned, wickedly, from his seat on the other side of the bed. He was watching them, naked himself, and his cock already erect. "I think that we should. Should we use the vibrator on her?"

"Vibrator," Aleksander replied, "perhaps we could try something a little old fashioned. Do you want to play with her breasts while I help with things down below?"

"Oh, I like the sound of that," Mal answered, "what do you think, Lina?"

Alina blushed bright red. "You're both ridiculous. Besides, I thought you were supposed to order me and all of that?"

"She does make a point," said Aleksander.

Mal positioned himself so that he was over Alina's head. He cupped both of her breasts in his hands, and massaged her nipples, making Alina whimper.

Aleksander smirked. "Oh yes. I do like watching her like this. Don't you think brother?"

"I do, Aleks," he said, "I like the little noises that she's making right now. Lovely, little sounds."

Alina herself was twitching, her feet rubbing against each other. "Horrible, horrible, boys...." She rasped.

Aleksander laughed, and then he pushed her thighs apart. He trailed kisses first on the inside of her right thigh, then the inside of her left. He bit down, hard on the left one, and Alina whined in response. He ran his fingers over where his teeth had left marks. "Oh, we're going to mark you, Kiska," he told her, "We're going to make it so that the world knows that you are ours. You won't know what to do with yourself."

"I need..." Alina struggled.

"You need what?" Aleksander asked, right as he started stroking her. He could feel her cunt clenching around her fingers, wet with slickness. "Tell me what you need, Alina. Tell me what it is that you want from me."

"You, Aleks," she told him, "I need you."

"Of course, Alina," he rasped, and then he thrust his cock into her. Mal was still playing with her breasts, and just as she was about to moan, Mal kissed her, catching her mouth with his. Aleksander grinned as he rolled his hips into Alina's cunt, and Alina's hips met his.

"You are so soaked for me, baby girl," he said, "soaked with need. I can feel you wanting me, I'm going to fill you up with my cum."

Mal stopped kissing her, and an orgasm rippled through Alina, her entire body clenching. "Oh, such a pretty sight," murmured Mal, kissing her neck, "and what a lovely sound."

Aleksander grunted as he thrust into her again. He collapsed on top of her, nuzzling her neck, and wrapping his arms around her small frame.

"Alright?" Alina whispered from under him.

He glanced down at her, taken aback by her question. A small smile crossed his lips, and he kissed her. "Yes, Kiska," he answered, "I'm wonderful. You are wonderful."

"Need to rest, Lina?" Mal asked.

She shook her head. "I don't need a rest. I need you."

Mal smirked and looked up at his brother. "Saints, she's perfect, isn't she?"

Aleksander nodded. "I'll get off the bed and watch this time."

Aleksander crawled off the bed, and then Mal positioned himself in the center of it nudging Alina gently off.

She stared at him expectantly, waiting for instruction. "Crawl on top of me, Lina. I want you to ride my dick, baby girl," he ordered her.

Alina crawled on top of him, straddling his long legs, and then she sunk her pussy onto his cock.

"Ride me, Lina," he told her, "ride me so hard my pretty girl that I get to see your fucking tits bounce."

Alina rolled her hips, moving hard and fast, clutching onto either of Mal's shoulders as she did. She had imagined being with him many times but never like this. In her head, she had thought that it would be sweet, and slow, and uncomplicated. Instead, it was hot, and secret, and she wanted so much more.

An image flashed in her mind as she rode Mal's dick. One of Aleksander taking her from one end, and Mal taking her from the other. She had no idea if it was possible but she knew, in her filthiest of fantasies, she wanted the both of them to take her. As she rode Mal, she clenched around him, and she tightly gripped his shoulders so hard that she dug her nails into her skin. Mal hissed but smiled up at her all of the same.

He reached up and brushed a stray strand of her black hair out of her eyes. "Beautiful," he murmured to her, and Alina felt an orgasm bubbling up inside her, her cunt still wet from Aleksander having been in her.

There was the snapping of Aleksander's camera phone, that made Alina turn her head as she rode Mal's cock.

Aleksander smiled up at her from behind it. "You look so beautiful, cuming around my brother's cock. It's art. I should have these blown up and put in my office."

A moan escaped her lips. "You wouldn't," she whispered.

He laughed. "I would. It would be art. You are a masterpiece."

Alina blushed prettily. She fell on top of Mal, burying her head in the crook of his neck. Mal wrapped his arms around her.

"Oh," Mal said, "this is my favorite thing. Brother, won't you join us?"

Alina smiled up at him.

Aleskander nodded, and he crawled onto the other side, wrapping his arms around her. "This is perfect. This is everything that I have ever wanted. You, me, my brother....the three people that I love the most."

Mal nodded at his brother. "Completely perfect. All that we need. You, me, and Lina. That's everything I need in the world too, brother." 

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