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On the front steps of The Great House, Mal calmly explained everything that had happened with her aunt. Alina took everything in. "You've got to be kidding me," Alina said. Mal shook his head, looking at her helplessly.

"Are you mad?" he asked. "Do you want to punish me? I'd let you. You can spank me, and I promise that I'll be a very, very, good boy after that."

Alina took a deep breath. "So, my aunt thinks that we're dating."

"Yes," said Mal, "she thinks that we've been dating this whole time, and that's why we moved you into the house."

"Right." Alina nodded her head firmly as she tried to think of the proper answer to this. Earlier that day, when she'd been in the car with Nina, she'd said Aleksander was the one she wanted to just be with. And yet, Mal, she had a history with. Mal was her oldest and dearest friend. Mal was the boy she'd had her first crush on.

Mal stared at her helplessly. "Are you okay with this?"

"Did you tell Aleksander?" she asked. She had no idea why that was the first thing she was concerned with. But Aleksander being mad at Mal wasn't something she thought would be good for anyone.

"He was happy," said Mal, "he doesn't want us getting caught, you see. This way, you have an excuse to be here. With him and me. There's nothing untoward about any of this."

She laughed. "No, just the two of you ravishing me at the same time. Nothing untoward indeed."

He smiled at her. It was that soft, Mal smile that made her weak in the knees. "Saints Alina, please just tell me that you aren't mad. I'm not trying to control you or make Aleksander hate me or whatever. This isn't some game. I need you to know that. All I was trying to do was protect you, and Aleksander said we couldn't do anything until I told you the truth and you said it was okay."

"Pretending to be your girlfriend in public?" Alina laughed. "Oh, the horror. I mean that was what I...."

She trailed off.

"What you wanted," Mal finished, "well now you get to have it, sort of. I'm sorry I made it awkward though."

Alina shook her head. "No. It's fine. You know, now this gives us an excuse to do actual couple things, don't you?"

He smirked. "I do know. Guess I'm kind of brilliant that way, huh?"

She smiled at him, and jokingly shoved him. "You're obnoxious, is what you are."

"Come on," said Mal, "he's waiting. He was worried you'd be mad."

The hair on the back of Alina's neck stood up then. She glanced up, and she could see Aleksander looking down at them from the window that she thought was the bedroom they'd given to her. He had a dark look in his eyes, but when Alina smiled at him, it seemed to evaporate for the most part.

Mal took her hand and led her through the main door, up the stairs of The Great House. She had worn some of the lingerie that she had gotten shopping with Nina, along with the yellow sun dress she'd worn out. Mal rubbed circles on her bare wrists as they walked, making her shiver slightly.

When they reached the door to her room, Aleksander opened it with a dark look in his eyes. "Did you talk to her, brother?"

Mal nodded. "She understands. She's all for it."

Aleksander glanced her way. "Do you really understand?"

Alina nodded. "He told me all about what happened with my aunt. She thinks I'm Mal's girlfriend, and your intern. No reason for her to get suspicious about my being with either of you."

Aleksander nodded. "Good." He then smirked. "Now, I suspect you have a little fashion show for us in those bags?"

Alina smiled. "All black. As requested. The salesgirl asked if I was having sex at a funeral."

Mal chuckled. "Cruel. What'd you tell her?"

"Told her my boyfriends liked it rough and dark. She stopped asking questions after that."

Aleksander smirked. "Minx." He reached out and brushed back a strand of her black hair. "Show me the pretty lingerie that you've gotten us for the pleasure of ripping it right off you."

"Are you sure?" Alina asked. "It was very expensive."

Mal and Aleksander glanced at each other. "We can afford it," they replied in unison. "Off. Now."

She smiled, and then she pulled the yellow dress off of her slowly. She was in nothing but the lace, black lingerie. There was a low growl and she wasn't sure if it came from Aleksander or Mal or both of them. She wasn't sure it truly mattered, judging by the hungry looks on both of their faces.

"On the bed," Aleksander said, "we're going to have some real fun now, Alina. Hope you don't mind if your boyfriend watches."

"Only if my boyfriend doesn't mind my boss fucking me."

"I don't mind," said Mal with a smirk, "in fact I rather can't wait for the show."

Alina crawled onto the bed, got on her back, and looked up at them. She watched as Aleksander began to undo his belt, then his pants.

"Fuck me," he muttered.

"You're supposed to fuck me," Alina said with a whine.

"Oh, I am baby girl," he said, "I am." 

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