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"Shall we begin?" Aleksander took her panties, dangled them on one of his fingers, and then placed them in his pocket. "I have the perfect thing to start. A little appetizer, if you will."

"Doesn't Mal have to be here?" Alina asked. "And is it professional to start this at work?"

"Well, you're going to be my intern, Alina," he said, "seeing to my every need. Don't you want to make your boss happy?"

She hesitated. "What did you have in mind?"

He smiled deviously at her. There was a painting on the wall behind him of one of the former Ravkaan Kings, Nikolai something or rather. Aleksander slid the painting to the side, revealing a safe. He entered in a combination. Then it popped open. First, he put her panties in there, and then he pulled something out from inside.

From inside, he took something out, and then he closed the safe, and put the painting back in its place. He took out a black, plastic thing with a handle. "This is a butt plug, Alina. It will get your little bottom nice and ready for my cock to have there again. I know how much you liked it there the first time."

She blushed.

"You're going to keep it there, in your bottom, all day long. No matter how wet or needy you get. And if you take that plug out, I will punish you."

"How?" she asked.

"By spanking," he said, "or maybe with a whip. Whatever you're comfortable with. I'll never do anything out of your comfort zone. And, of course, I'll be taking pictures to share with Mal. And he'll do the same with you. We don't do anything without letting the other know."

Alina flinched. "Did you take pictures of us? When we were together?"

He shook his head. "I already told you. Not like you are thinking. But I did show him pictures of you, so he could see the girl that I fucked. He would do the same. Like I said, we have no secrets between us."

"Mal's already graduated?"

"Last summer. He's a little older than you, but not much. My father wants him to get his degree before he works for the company officially but once that's finished, he'll be the vice president after my father retires, and I'll be president. Right now, he works as an intern so he's in and out of the office too."

"What does that mean?" Alina asked. "I'll be.... servicing both of you?"

Aleksander smiled smugly. "No need to be so coarse, Alina. This is a relationship. You're ours."

"But what am I? Your plaything? A whore?"

"Never," he said, walking around his desk over to where she stood.

"What am I then, Aleks?"

"My everything, Alina," he said, "our everything."

Alina took a deep breath. "If I'm to do this, I need protection. I want a contract."

"Well, traditionally speaking, in a relationship like this there is always a contract. Judging by the things you let me do to me as a virgin, I would say you're a voracious reader of smut. You were a little surprised but knowledgeable."

"Yes," said Alina, "but if someone were to use information about me against you, you'd walk away fine. The men always do. I'm a woman. A young woman. If you're going to be taking picture of me doing things---I deserve protection."

"No one's going to be looking at you but us. You belong to me, and Mal, and the two of us are going to keep you our precious, little Kiska. Protected, and fucked, and cared for at our every whim. But I understand where you're coming from. I've got that prepared too."

"No," she said sharply, "if pictures of me leak, or video, or I get hurt, I want something that states that I get everything you have."

"I can't promise you everything my family has."

"Never said anything about your family. I said you."

He smirked. "I'll have something drawn up."

"I want to read it."

"Okay," he said, "that's perfectly fine."

"And I won't be wearing that until I have it." She pointed to the butt plug. "And all three of us are going to get copies."

He frowned. "Are you toying me?"

"No, just preserving the last bit of self-respect I have before I let myself crumble into the hands of two rich and powerful men that could destroy my life if they wanted to."

"No one is going to destroy you, Alina."

"And what if someone were to try to destroy you? Would you be the one to lose everything, or would it be me?"

He paused. "I see your point."

"Good," said Alina, "then you can put that in my ass after I have the contract."

He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "I'm impressed, Miss Starkov. Though you know once that contract is signed, I'm going to have to punish you for your impertinence."

"Perhaps that was part of the plan. Now, what am I doing today?"

"You'll be out front, where Fedyor is. You'll be helping him with whatever it is that he needs. Maybe filing. Getting my lunch. That kind of thing."

"Right," Alina said, "get that contract."

 "Most definitely, Miss Starkov."

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