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She was already starting to show. Alina had a tiny curve to her stomach, and she'd had to have her dress altered several times. On the day that they were getting married, Alina woke up to Aleksander kissing her bare stomach. He had fucked her the previous night until she was seeing stars. Alina shivered at his touch. "Well, good morning to you too," Alina said.

Aleksander looked up at her as he placed kisses on her bare stomach. "I couldn't wait for you to wake up. I needed you."

"What were you going to do? Wake me up with your cock inside of me?" Alina asked.

Aleksander smirked. "That was exactly what I was planning on doing."

She smiled down at him. "We're getting married today. Maybe we should have been old fashioned and slept in different rooms."

He let out a growl, and Alina laughed at his territorial attitude. "No," he said flatly.

"Alright, I suppose it doesn't matter because it's already our wedding day. I feel like my stomach has grown more. What are we going to do if my dress doesn't fit?"

"That's what the back up dress is for," Aleksander said.

Alina furrowed her brow. "I didn't get a back up dress."

"No, but I did," said Aleksander, "I called the designer, and I had her make several in case something happened, and you decided that you wanted to wait longer."

She smiled. "Has anyone told you that you're perfect?"

"I've heard something about that." He waggled his brows. "If I'm perfect, it is because I have you to make me that way."

"We've got to get up," said Alina, "we've got to get ready. We're going to be late for the church."

"How about I pay The Apparat to come here, and marry us in bed?" Aleksander asked.

Alina smiled. "We're getting married in the church. I'll let you have whatever else you want, but I want to get married to you in the church."

"Whatever I want, you say?" Aleksander said.

Alina nodded.

"What if I want to fuck you right before we get married, and we're a little late for the wedding?" Aleksander asked.

Alina raised an eyebrow. "How late?"

Aleksander smirked. "Fifteen minutes."

"Oh, I like the sound of that."

"Then, my little Kiska, we're going to be a little late for our wedding." 


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