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"Finally" I mumble.
"David where the fuck have you been?"
I yell across the room.
"Sorry! Kaydence was doing a scene and her friend was there too so I just wanted to help"
I sigh, annoyed and say "do you know your lines for this scene?"
He nods "it's us in the lab right?" I nod with him, and wait for the directors shout to start.

I glance over at the stairs he walked down, and see her. My date from yesterday, who's name I never got. I can see she's looking for me too, so I pretend to be busy. David sees me fumbling with random papers in this stupid lab coat and says
"ohh is the extra here?" he mocks the word and laughs
"hey how was your date that I set up by the way?"

I roll my eyes
"you did not set it up thank you very much, but it went well, I still haven't gotten her name yet though."
He looks at me a bit confused.
"hey she didn't get my name either"
I think I've only confused him more as the director yells "ACTION!"

We act out the scene, and as I've been told before by my team, I have to act "more in love" so while looking at this man I see no more than platonically, I think of the pretty girl. I can feel my features soften as I stare into his eyes more, imagining there hers. I'm not in love with a girl I just met that's fucking weird. I would just say I'm... interested in her.

The scene ends and one of the camera men says
"Gillian good job! You looked like you wanted to kiss him about 5 times." I laugh it off with David and glance back to where she's sitting. Even from here, I can see her blushing, but trying to hide her smile from that Kaydence girl sitting next to her.

While Kaydence is staring at the floor, mouth moving, I take the opportunity to smile at her. The pretty girl looks shocked for a second, then waves. I basically just melt on the spot. That was so cute. Fuck now she can see me blushing what is happening?

She just smiled at me. And I waved like a fucking idiot. Thank god Kaydence is distracted by the ground right now, mumbling on about this new bakery down the street. I'm still not sure why I won't tell her, but I think I'll let it be for now. I mean, I don't plan on hiding this forever, just until it gets real or one of them gets fired from the job...


Things have been a little off with Kaydence recently, she seems to distance herself from me throughout the day, and only really talks to me when she asks for a ride to work. Her cars been broken down for about a week now, which is why I'm the one driving her everyday. Normally I'll just drop her off for the day, and come back later, but today she asked me to stay with her.

I said yes, partly to be nice, and partly because I wanted to see the beautiful ginger woman I went on a date with. As soon as we walk in, I glance around the room and immediately spot her. I see her face brighten up almost instantly and can't help but smile. However, She looks away. A bit confused on why, I look over to see Kaydence almost death glaring at her. She pretends nothing happened and shows me the new filming room for her.

We've arrived a lot later than usual since her schedule has changed apparently. So instead of being here at 8:30 am, we're here at 3 pm. I sit and watch her act. I try to look interested but it's really not when you have no idea what the plot even is.

A couple times I catch myself wishing I was downstairs watching the ginger bob woman act, but I guess I'm not. Eventually Kaydence sends me out to get us dinner. I decide to make a detour to Taco Bell, since I'm starving. Grabbing our usual order, I head to back to the building.
6:39pm damn I think. Walking in, I catch the gaze of her again. This time in the middle of a scene. She's talking to some other actor and quickly looks at me, but covers it up as thinking on the spot.

She's so beautiful. I sigh and bring the food back up the the room, and eat with Kaydence. At Around 7:50 she throws her container away.
"I'm getting a ride with David home today" it pisses me off a bit, since she asked me to stay here the whole day when I could've just dropped her off and not came back, but I ignore it and say "oh, okay."

"Yeah, you can stay here as long as you want though, just remember they close at 11" I nod, and think
as if I'd want to stay here, I've only been here for last week with you...
I try to control my annoyance, and wait for her to leave. At exactly 8pm David opens the door "hey! Great job on the acting today"
He looks up at me.
"I'll be taking this one home tonight, if that's okay with you"
I nod and he smiles
"great, have a good night!"

As soon as the door closes, I begin to mock him "have a good night! Yeah go fuck yourself" obviously I'm whispering, in fear someone might hear me. I think I just had a bad day today, I need to calm down, and just chill for the night. After mindlessly walking around this empty room, talking to myself, I decide to sit back down in the same desk I was watching Kaydence from.

My head is in my hands, but soon falls on my arms, atop this desk. I feel myself drift away into a nice relaxing sleep, until all of a sudden there's a shake of my shoulder.

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