you happy?

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I hear a knock on my door at about 4pm. I get up thinking it's Kaydence, but am pleasantly surprised to see gil. I let her in, and she tells me what the police have said. Well.... Now what? We just let this criminal get away with it? What am I going to say to Kaydence? So many thoughts are running through my head, but I'm quickly distracted as she says "what now? Our mystery is solved" I sit there confused by what she means "I feel like... I don't know, I feel weird" there's a pit in my stomach.

Weird? "What do you mean 'weird'" she looks down. "y/n I just" her voice trails off as I start to feel my palms sweating "no Gillian, what do you mean?" My words come out quick and mumbled, I'm almost stuttering "I just, don't feel the same anymore" I stare at her for a sec. "what?" A lump forms in my throat, please don't say it. "I almost feel like it's not worth it, like maybe we need some time alone" I feel the tears start. " no no no not now" I think, "your making yourself look like an idiot". I take a breath "what are you saying" an overwhelming sensation of sadness is filling my voice.

"I guess.." she picks at her nails "I guess I'm saying I want a break" a break? Why? I thought we were just fine, plus we've only been together for not even a month. No what does she mean? "Gillian-" she puts her hand on top of mine "this isn't me breaking up with you" it's hard to keep eye contact "this is just a break. A few days or weeks or months alone, how ever long it takes" I pull my hand away from hers, and focus on the floor.

I feel the couch spring up a little as she stands up. I hear the sound of her opening the door, and as I'm ready to explode she says "I'll call you" I roll my eyes "no you fucking won't" I mumble, knowing she can hear me. As I hear the door shut, I cave. Break? Is this just her way of breaking up with me in a nice way? My breath is staggered and I feel the taste of salt come into my mouth. Tears are just pouring down my cheeks as I take deep breaths.

Why did I ever trust the woman on the balcony? How fucking stupid am I? How can one person get so attached to someone they've known for so little. It feels embarrassing to feel this way over a girl I dated for pretty much 3 weeks. All my feelings are scattered around this soft green pillow I'm holding. I feel the wetness of the Luke warm water that just fell out of my eyes in some corners. This just means Kaydence won. She got what she wanted. I couldn't be more angry, yet sad. How could she do this me? I swear she has no fucking empathy, there was no sense of remorse on her face.

I decide to just go to my bed, and cry for as long as I fucking please.

"you happy?" I say, entering her car. "Yeah, now drive" she says, re positioning the gun against my head. "You know we could've just settled this through some skittles or something" I say, pulling out of her neighbourhood "shut up" I roll my eyes as I hit a red light "turn into the alley past Walmart" I lightly sigh and do as followed. Once in the alley she places the gun down.

"Now, tell me what happened" she says, angling herself towards me "gee I don't know, maybe that some psycho was trying to shoot people at my work, and stalking me too" she quickly grabs the gun again "tell the truth dumb bitch" this is so stupid. "Kaydence I'm literally telling you the truth, a fucking psycho shot at my work, then was stalking me, then once he was caught said he worked for someone under the name of k, obviously we both thought you"

She puts the gun down again "good, leave" I look at her confused "uh we're in an alley?" She nods "correct, leave" I don't know what to say, I sit there kind of taken aback
"I said get out of my car" I raise my eyebrows as she un-does my seatbelt "go!" She's being serious. This bitch wants me to walk home? I decide I might as well follow since she's the one with the weapon. I stand up and slam her door. She drives away, but not before flipping me off.

I'm so mad. I was driving to y/n's house to tell her about the cops, when this bitch nearly crashes into me then pulls me into an alley and makes me get in her car. She held the gun to my head as I drove to y/n's house, telling me I had to break up with her or she would shoot. I knew I could've lied to y/n, but I could tell Kaydence would be watching, and if there was no tears she wouldn't believe a thing.

Than she fucking kicks me out of her car to walk home after making me break up with my girlfriend while threatening a gun. I hate it here. At least the alley where she made me switch cars isn't too far. After only 15 minutes I get my car, and drive home. I'm pretty positive Kaydence will be paying close attention to us, so I have to keep this "break" going at least for a few weeks.

Hell, y/n could've blocked me already, then I might've actually lost my girlfriend. Ugh wtf? It's been a long day, I pour myself a cup of wine and watch TLC all night.

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