rotten shrimp

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He brings us water and hands us a menu. I read in admiration "these all sound so good" Gillian just smirks and uses her seductive eyes to look me up and down. After a few minutes the waitress is back "so are we ready to order?" We look at each other, Gillian nods for me to go first "uh I'll have shrimp fettuccine please" he nods "and for you pretty lady?" Gillian quickly gives me a look then says "I'll have the margarita pizza" he grabs our menus while saying "great choice, I'll have them ready soon"

We look at each other while he walks away. Gillian makes a face as if to say "that was weird" we ignore it and talk about our lives. Sounds deep, but really we're only talking about family's, holidays, school, that kinda thing. Eventually he comes back with our food "for you" he says smiling at Gillian placing the pizza down "and you" he says avoiding eye contact as the bowl slides off his finger tips "enjoy!"

Once again weird, but we ignore it. "Holy shit this is good!" Gillian says. I smile and take a bite of mine. Expecting a rich yummy pasta I'm met with something.... Boring. I take another bite, maybe I've judged it to quick. The shrimp tasted funny, and the pasta is bland "how's yours?" She asks "it's, okay" she turns the bowl to face her "whats wrong?" I grip my hands anxiously, worried I've ruined this date "it's just.... umm"

She looks at me worried "you can tell me" the warmth in her smile re assures me "the shrimp tastes weird, and the pasta is bland, and like flavourless" she nods "well if the shrimp tastes weird don't eat it, it could be spoiled" she moves the bowl over and places the pizza in the middle "have some" she smiles at me "you sure?"

She nods and giggles "take a piece" I obey and bite into it "damn this is good" I enjoy the night and even share a dessert with her. While waiting for the bill my stomach starts to hurt. I assume it's just bloating since I ate quite a bit but it's starting to feel like period cramps. I worry I've gotten it and run to the bathroom. No blood though... "I'm just scaring myself" I think, and head out. The waitress is at our table talking to Gillian. While walking to sit down, I hear Gillian

"sorry, I'm in a relationship right now" She's  in a relationship? My heart sinks a bit. Ok maybe it sinks a lot. Like down to my stomach. The waiter takes the machine without saying anything and heads off "let's go" she says

"Thank you for dinner, I really appreciate it" she smiles "don't worry" I look at my feet "um so-" she chuckles "no, I'm not in a relationship I was only saying that to get him off of me" I look at her confused "what do you mean, what was he saying" in a mocking tone she says "I couldn't help but notice how cute you are, would you, by any chance want to go on a date?" I giggle "you sat down right in time for me to say no"

I smile as she stops at a red light "I was going to ask if you wanted to kiss so he could take a hint but then he walked away" I laugh "that would've been funny" she hits the gas and turns onto my street. I'm sad this night is over, but my stomach is feeling worse. She pulls into my driveway "have a good night!" She smiles as I look at her condescendingly "what?" She asks. I giggle and kiss her. She enjoys it as she puts her hand on my thigh. The cramps in my stomach are getting to me so I pull away "thanks again mamas" she smirks as I close the door. Mamas? A little much but I'll deal.

As soon as my door opens I bolt to the bathroom. No blood, No vomit, I seem fine. I put on pjs and lay in my bed when all of a sudden I feel it up my throat. My head is spinning while I loom over the toilet throwing up my meal. I hate vommiting.

Every time it happens I cry. Which is what's happening right now, I'm crying while getting rid of any last remnants of food in my stomach. After what feels like years I start to see the room again. My stomach has stopped hurting, and my tears are all out. I flush the toilet and brush my teeth (throwing away the toothbrush after of course) then I get back into my bed.

That stupid shrimp. What if that guy gave me rotten shrimp? I'm going to sue! Kidding I'm not that brave, I'll tell Gillian about this tomorrow. I get to see Gillian tomorrow, the thought of it makes me smile. What an awesome day besides this stupid mishap.

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