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It's about 6pm when my phone rings. I pick it up and see Gillians name. Smiling I say "hey" "hi, I have to tell you something" oh god what now "yeah?" She sighs "the police called me today and said Kaydence hired a hitman on us, specifically me" my eyes get bigger as I stare at the wall in shock "she did what?" Gillian takes a breath "the person who shot in the building that night was the same guy who's been stalking me"

Everything slowly comes together "and he's been hired I think-" I interrupt "because she's mad you stole me" we both go silent for a minute "I'm so sorry gil, I know it's been a long day and I can't believe she would do something like that but-"

Now she interrupts "don't apologize, I miss you, I'm coming over in 5" I blush "okay" we hang up and I stare at the wall in disbelief for a sec. How could she? Hire someone to literally attempt to kill a girl. Is she that upset I don't like her? My anger gets the best of me and I do what I probably shouldn't.

I find her name, click "unblock" then I phone. Not even two rings pass when I hear the click from the other side "y/n?" It's her voice. "Kaydence what the fuck are you thinking, calling a fucking hit man to try and kill my girlfriend? Are you that mad I don't want you?"

"Woah woah woah" I hear her say over my shouts "I never-" I interrupt "no don't even, I can't believe you. Why would you ever think it's okay to do something like that! How insane can you be?" I pause for second to hear what she's trying to say "y/n y/n stop! I don't know what you mean! How could you think I would even do something like that?"

I roll my eyes as hard as I can without intention "don't play fucking dumb you know what you did stop being so stupid" her voice raises "I NEVER HIRED A FUCKING HITMAN WHATS YOUR PROBLEM" I stop "I can prove it, if you just let me talk I can show you I've never done that! Just listen!" I take a breath

"Fine, I want proof tomorrow. Meet me at my house at 1" "but I-" I cut her off "I don't care. My house. 1" she sighs and hangs up. What the fuck is wrong with today. Everything is just weird. I push my hands into my eyes groaning when I hear a car pull up "thank god she's here"

I quickly unlock the door and open it "hey!" She says running up to me "hi" she hugs me then pecks my cheek "what's wrong?" I sigh as she takes off her coat "I just called Kaydence" she stops "why would you do that?" She says, visibly upset "I'm sorry it's just.. I was angry okay?" She puts her coat down and sits on my couch "go on"

I lock the door, then sit next to her "she told me it wasn't her and that she can show me proof it wasn't her tomorrow"
"Kaydence is going to try to show you proof she didn't hire a hitman tomorrow?" I nod.

"Y/nnnn" she groans "your lucky your not David, I would probably tell you how dumb you are right about now" I chuckle "want something to eat?" She nods. I get up and grab her a bag of popcorn. Putting it in the microwave I shout "do you want seasoning?" She shouts back "what kind you got?" I open up my spice drawer

"Uhhh white cheddar, jalapeño, and sour cream and onion" I hear the first few kernels pop "white cheddar please!" I grab the little container and close the drawer. "Ok thirty seconds!" I hear her laughing "Ok, 27, 26," I join in "25,24" we shout the countdown until the beep of the microwave goes off.

I grab the hot bag and dump it into a bowl. "For you, even though you smell" I say giggling. She rolls her eyes "your probably smelling David, I had to eat half of his sandwich since I forgot my lunch" we laugh and take a first bite. We hangout for a few hours until Gillian says "I'm going to go home, I have work tomorrow" I smile "okay, drive safe" she grabs her coat and opens my door "wait wait wait" I say, quickly standing up.

"What?" I walk over to her and stare at her for a few seconds as she awkwardly laughs and asks again "what?" I blush and give her a kiss. After a few seconds I pull away "I just wanted a kiss" she nods "I love you, bye" I smile "love ya too" I close the door and reminisce on what just happened. Suddenly I don't feel so worried anymore, actually I think I'll be just fine tomorrow.

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