midnight surprise

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Driving home all I can think about is the woman's question.
"Are you good?" Did I look off? Did she notice Kaydence too? I'm not sure, but it rattles my mind for a bit. Why was Kaydence being so weird.

She didn't say hi to me, didn't ask if I was even okay, and just walked away? What the fuck? I roll my eyes in annoyance as I decide to pull one of my toxic traits. I'm just going to ignore her. She gets her car back today, I don't even need to come with her to the studio. Although, that does mean I can't see the beautiful woman. Ugh.

How come I still haven't gotten her name? We literally spent a whole night together and I didn't get her name. Arriving at my house I fall onto the couch and just think. I end up overthinking, and tell myself to go to sleep.

I'm not looking forward to today. David and I have to explore a forest for the show, which means many cuts to fix my hair. Great. And on top of that since David drove Kaydence here, she can't go home until he does. This is just shit.

With arguing between David and I, forgetting quite a bit of lines, and even falling into a puddle, the day finally comes to a close. It's 11 pm. 11 fucking pm. Jeff yells the last CUT and we all are racing to our cars, excited to get home.

Before I go, I stop David.
"Can I talk to Kaydence quickly?"
He nods and let's me go up to her alone.
she nervously laughs and looks behind me to see David standing, looking around.
"Uhm I don't mean to be rude, but I really need to get home could you tell David to come over here?"

I raise and eyebrow and look at my wet shoes "no no, this will only take a minute" she sighs. "your friend.. uh" I realize I still don't know her name. What the fuck. She widens her eyes obnoxiously, as if I've just talked about killing her whole family.
"what about her" I look away, already starting to get pissed.

"Nothing just why didn't you say anything to her today, I'm confused aren't you guys best friends?" Sure I'm being a little nosy, but I don't care.
"nothing?" She giggles "it's not your business." I guess she has a point.

I quietly sigh and start to walk away, realizing I'm not going to get my point across to her, when she yells
"and stop hitting on her!"
I turn around genuinely confused
"huh?" I walk back up to her.
"you heard me" what are we, in middle school?

My face is just covered in a look of disgust "how am I hitting on her? By getting stuck in a freezing building overnight?" She rolls her eyes "just go." she turns around and fights with David's truck door handle.

I just walk away, now fuming, and get in my car. I see him open the door for her and I mock her in the silence of my car. I laugh as I flip her off in David's truck and drive away. Okay so maybe I'm being a bit petty now.

Whatever, girls like that disgust me. As I'm driving home, I remember something. She gave me her address last night, and I gave her mine. We gave them to each other in case of
"work reasons" but I secretly suspect she wanted my address so she could show up randomly, and order pizza.

would it be weird if I showed up this late? I debate for almost 10 minutes then decide why not. It's pretty obvious she thinks I'm hot, considering I caught her staring at me in my underwear many times last night.

Ok, almost there.

"Fuck" I mumble, looking at my phone.
"It's 11:35 and I just woke up from a nap. Now what? How am I supposed to fall asleep tonight. I get up off the couch, blanket still around my shoulders like a cape. I open the new box of crackers I just bought, and indulge.

After like 2 minutes I get a text. It's from her.
It reads,
"hey, I know it's late, and I know it's weird but I decided to come to your house after filming tn. Sorry, I just kind of wanted to see you again, hope that's okay :)"

I read it once more to make sure I'm seeing correctly. She wants to come over here? While I look like this? After another 2 minutes pass I hear my doorbell ring. I get up and open the door. There she is.

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