a day with you

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My eyes feel sluggish as there forced open by her phone. The bright light is blinding as I see it lit up, I look over and see her still asleep next to me. Her phone keeps lighting up with texts so I decide to look. 8 notifications of texts, and 4 calls. I look in shock as it's Kaydence.

"She doesn't need this" I think to myself, remembering how upset she was yesterday. I skim over the texts, and see she's desperate. Things like "please" and "I'm sorry" are repeated over and over. As much as I would love to block her, it's still y/n's choice. I put the phone down and wait for her to wake up.

Once she does I tell her, and let her read them for herself. "This is funny considering she was the one who left me" I nod and take another spoon of my cereal "blocked" she says, drinking the milk from the bowl

"Really?" I say surprised "yeah?" I giggle "I didn't know you had it in you" she smiles "you helped me not give a fuck if I'm being honest" I laugh "I guess all the 'lesbians are mean' stereotype is true" i chuckle, finishing my food and looking at her "how bout we do something fun today" she smiles "what did you have in mind?"

I bite my lip "what if we went to the beach again, it's going to be hot today plus I have the day off" she smiles "can that be our date?" I look at her a little confused " the bet! You said if I acted in the scene you'd take me out on a date"
"ohhhh" she nods "yeah, so can this be our date?" I look down at the bowl, then back at her "no, I want to give you a nice date tonight"

She giggles "okay, but let's get changed" she leads me back up to her room and let's me pick an outfit. This is the second time we're going to the beach, so I pick out one of her tight bikinis and shorts. I walk out of her bathroom and smile "you look hot yet again" she smirks and grabs one of her other tight bikinis "I'll be right back"

After a few minutes she walks out of the bathroom and asks "well how do I look" grinning, I say "hot" she smiles and grabs a tote bag "come on!"

Once at the beach we sit on towels and admire the ocean. I'm kidding, as soon as we get out of the car we're racing to the water. I run in, splashing everyone in my sights, and Gillian follows. We laugh and smile just swimming around, in the cool water.

After about half an hour gillian says "Y/N ITS KAYDENCE, DUCK" I look over to see her walking down the street, we make inaudible noises then duck under the water, holding our breath. After a few seconds we both spring up for air "is she gone?" I ask, Gillian looks around "she's just up ahead over there" I look to where she's pointing and see Kaydence by the ice cream shop. "How does she keep finding us?" I laugh "maybe she senses our evil....."

I can't think of what to say "our evil...?" Gillian smiles "our evil gayness" we both laugh and mock her for a while before swimming back out again. After finally having enough in the water we walk back to our towels "holy shit it's already 3!" I say laying back on my towel "that's okay, dinner isn't till 6" she says with a smirk. I roll my eyes and put on my sunglasses, enjoying the warmth from the sun.

We just lay and talk. It's so calm, my favourite kind of day. After quite a while I sit up "do you wanna go?" She nods "I'm gonna put my feet in one last time though" I nod and go with her up to the water. The cold water hits my feet instantly bringing my body back to a normal temperature. Walking to my car I look around, seeing if Kaydence is still here. To my surprise (and relief) she's not anywhere in sight.

I get into the passenger seat and read the car clock "almost dinner time"
I smile "you really didn't have t-" she cuts me off "you worry too much" she intertwines our fingers while driving down a road I've never been on. I admire the buildings as we pass them, trying to figure out the area "where are we going?" I turn to her "you'll see" she keeps her eyes on the road.

Almost 10 minutes pass and we arrive at an Italian place. "Ooo this is pretty" I say, unbuckling my seatbelt "just wait till we're inside!" She holds my hand and tells the hostess we have a reservation "Anderson?" She nods "okay follow me!" We walk inside to the beautiful place, vines hung on the wall, bright lights, and lots of colours. The host seats us and I admire the scenery before a waitress shows up.

Man this is going to be a good night.

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