What the fuck just happened

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The loud sound of my ringtone startles me. I look over and see Kaydence's name.
"Wtf does she want right now?"
I answer, a little annoyed.


I yawn.
"hi, why are you calling?"
She sighs. "can you come to the studio today?" I sit up confused.
"huh why?" I take a sip of my room temperature water.
"because it's my last day filming for now, so I want you to come?" She sounds annoyed. Shit.

"Oh okay yeah I'll come, same time?"
I try to re deem myself by being nice.
"Yeah." she says in a default tone.
"okay see you soon!"
Truth is I don't want to see her right now. I'm still kind of pissed at her, and being with the other women just makes me so happy. Rolling my eyes and tell myself I'm being selfish. I realize I have to go, I slept in a bit and don't even have time for breakfast, so while grabbing an apple on the way out, I throw my comb on my couch.

I drive in annoyance while heading to the studio, then I remember I'm gonna see her.
I laugh,
"am I stupid?" I've just spent the last 10 minutes annoyed over Kaydence and totally forgot the women works there too. I feel my cheeks lifting and getting warm the more I think about yesterday, but it soon fizzles alway when I remember the kiss that never happened.

Before even getting out of my car I see the door open. It's Kaydence.
"Oh hi!" She motions for me to come inside "quick!" I walk in and take a quick look for her. I see her talking to the director and once she sees me she smiles. But that smile quickly fades and she immediately goes back to focusing on the director, All because Kaydence is next to me. She looks at the wall ahead and leads me into her little filming room.

"Sooo how are you?"
I say as I set my bag down.
Why is she giving me the cold shoulder? Is it really all because of the phone call? She starts acting and I realize today's going to be just like the night I got stuck with her.

Listening to Kaydence's voice go on endlessly gets really aggravating after a while. I play with my finger nails and try to block out her voice. After what feels like forever there's a knock on the door. David opens it, smiling as always. "heyyyy friends back!"
I smile and wave.
"good good, so last day."
He looks at Kaydence. She nods.
"Don't worry we'll definitely be having you back as an extra" she giggles.

Have these two fucked or something what is going on?

Why does this day feel endless. Maybe it's because yesterday was so fun, but today just feels like a drag. I sit at the snack table playing on my phone, waiting for David to get back from talking with Kaydence. I'm so thankful it's her last day, that girl was annoying me.

The pretty girl is here, and as much as I wish I could go up there and talk to her, I know it just won't work. Kaydence absolutely hates me and is going to accuse me of hitting on her again if I go anywhere near her. The thought of her brings butterflies. Man I regret not kissing her when I had the chance. Jeff snaps me out of it, telling me to go get David so we can film the next scene.

I sigh and walk up the stairs.
"if I get screeched at for this I swear to god."
I mumble to myself. I take a moment before knocking on the door. Opening it I see David on the other side.
"We need you for the next scene like right now."
He nods and smiles at Kaydence who's very obviously glaring at me. I see the pretty girl in the place I found her the night we got stuck. In the office chair

She looks zoned out, probably tired. I don't blame her, Kaydence's voice is scratchy.

Fuck how is she so gorgeous? I'm still staring at the door where she was standing when Kaydence says
"can you not?"
I look up confused. "Huh?"
She walks into the area where I am.
"what's going on with you guys?"
She says, sitting next to me. Oh right, I still haven't told her. Fuck me.
"nothing." I lie. She just eyes me down.
"nothing, me and.... Uh" right, I still don't know her name.

"Gillian" she says annoyed.
THATS HER NAME? Now I understand why she's stunning, man that's a pretty name. Fuck how did I not get that this whole entire time?Oh never mind she's death glaring me, it's not the time to be in love with someone's name.
"Bull shit why do you guys keep staring at each other?"

"Girl we've been in this room alone for almost 4 hours how have I been staring at Gillian?" The name just rolls off my tongue. It's hot.
She rolls her eyes.
"whatever I just don't know why you have to act like this."
what is happening.
"Act like what? I've been supportive of you this whole time, even though you were being a bitch to me."

Oh shit. I didn't mean for that one to come out. "What?"
Uh oh.
"what the fuck is your problem. Actually y/n. You've been supportive? No, you just sit around doing nothing. while I'm working my ass off, your out going to the beach with some random woman!"

Now I'm taken aback. How did she know we went out? She sees the confusion on my face. "Oh yeah you thought I wouldn't find out about your thing with her?"
She's smiling like a psycho.
"How is it any of your business anyway? Are you stalking me or something?"

"No I was out on a little shopping date with my mom when I see you and what's her face eating ice cream on a bench! How long were you going to wait to tell me?"
I don't understand why she's getting so mad. "dude sorry, but how is my dating life any of your concern?"
Now there's tears in her eyes. Great.
"Sorry that I care y/n."

That is bs.

"Bro don't start crying right now."
I can feel myself getting more and more angry. "Why? I sit around all day waiting for you to text me, to talk to me, to ask me something and you never do!"


"I waste my time wishing you could look at me and all you do is go after some random chick, you fucking asshole!"

IS THIS HER WAY OF TELLING ME SHE LIKES ME? I can't help but giggle. It's what I do when I'm nervous, I'm sorry. Tears are now rolling down her cheeks.
"are you trying to say you like me?"
She looks away and sniffs.
"after all this time you waited until I find someone I'm interested in to tell me you like me?"
She rolls her eyes.

"Just go away."
now I'm getting told to go away? Wtf. She rests her head in her hand.
"Well don't tell me to go away if you like me."
I chuckle, and clearly that sets her off.
"No just fucking go y/n I can't right now. You suck."
She grabs her coat and bag then starts out of the room. I sit in my chair, stunned.

What the fuck just happened.

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