night in

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As much as I feel like shit, her kisses make it better. I just want to stay with her tonight. Just her alone. I pull away "could you stay with me tonight?" I whisper
"of course" she smiles and pulls me back in. I love the way her lips fit against mine, how I can taste her chapstick.

"I'll get us dinner" she says standing up. "You stay here, and put on comfy pj's I'll be right back" I nod and watch her head out with my keys. I sigh, rub my damp face, and head upstairs. My bed feels so nice. I put on a huge t-shirt and just stay in my underwear. It's my favourite thing to wear, and honestly I don't care if she sees.

"I hope she gets Taco Bell" I say walking down the stairs "I really want Taco Bell" maybe she can mind read, hopefully she hears this. I sit on the couch, put a blanket over me, and open my phone. Thank god there's no texts from Kaydence. After a few minutes the door opens. A smiling Gillian walks in holding a bag of food. "Your dinner is here!" She says excitedly walking over to me.

I sit up as she settles herself under the blanket. "So I got you a burrito, cheese fries, and Cinnabon delights!" I smile "how did you know that was my order?" She giggles "you told me when we got stuck in the building the first time" I try to remember the dialogue but can't "damn I can't even remember that" we laugh as she pulls out a taco and fries for her. "Also got you Diet Coke" she smiles handing it to me "aww I love Diet Coke" I say, taking a nice cold sip.

We start eating and all my sadness fades away. I love cheese fries holy shit. Once we're done she asks what my favourite movie is and we start talking. Talking about all kinds of things, like tv shows and desserts and somehow cats? She says she'll go upstairs and put on pj's so I wait. I realize she doesn't know where I keep my pj's so I yell "WAIT GILLIAN DO YOU KNOW WHERE THEY ARE" I giggle "UHM YES I JUST FOUND THEM" she yells back "OKAY" I laugh and watch as she heads down in the same thing I'm wearing. A t-shirt and undies.

"Nice" I say standing up, revealing my outfit "nice underwear" she says, looking at my black bikini bottoms. I laugh "thanks, you too" I notice her purple thong, and we both giggle then get re-settled. "Okay what movie?" We scroll through netflix and eventually settle for "mean girls" we both love it and have watched it too many times.

She holds me throughout the movie, playing with my hair, kissing my forehead, and holding my hand. I wonder if anyone's ever told her how perfect she is. A little over halfway through the movie I feel my eyelids getting heavy. I keep yawning, and trying to watch but I'm so tired. All I remember from there is nothing.

The movie finishes and I say "that is such a good movie" I look down and see her eyes closed. She's so cute. I turn the tv off and pick her up, Carrying her to her bedroom. I lay her down on the mattress and cover her with blankets, adjusting myself too. I yawn and realize I'm tired as well , so placing my head on the pillow I close my eyes and drift away.

This night has been so perfect. Except for the crying over a stupid bitch. God I just love hugging that girl.

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