overpriced coffee

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Nothing eventful happens for the next few days. I decided to give Gillian some space after the days she's had, and needed some time of my own too. Today I went to the book store and bought an overpriced coffee, just to feel the vibes. It was a pretty good time.

But when I was about to grab a book my phone rang. I fumbled to quickly turn the sound off before I read the name. "Oh shit" I mumble, clicking the phone icon, than Gillians name

"Hey sorry I hung up on you, I'm in the library right now and didn't see your name"
She giggles
"It's okay, I just wanted to tell you I miss you"

The butterflies in my stomach go crazy as I feel my cheeks going red

"I miss you too, I hope your feeling better"
"Don't worry, I am"
I bite my lip
"Any news?"
She pauses
"Nope, not even a follow up"
I sigh
"Hopefully they find SOMEthing"

"Yeah, listen I'll call you in a few hours but have a good time with your overpriced coffee!"
"Oh yeah okay! Thanks"
I pause before hanging up
"Wait how did you-"
A phone clicks on the other end. Shit.

How did she know I was drinking coffee? I thought I just said I was at the library... that's weird, maybe I just forgot I said anything. I walk around some more and forget about the strange confrontation. After nearly an hour more, I get in my car and drive home.


At 7 I start to make dinner when my phone rings again. I pick it up and read Gillians name
"Hello again" I say smiling
"Hi" she says quietly
"Is something wrong?" I ask, sensing the tone in her voice
"N-no I'm just a bit scared right now"
"Gil what happened?" I say, worried
"It's a long story, but could I come over?"
"Of course, do you need a ride?"
"No no that's okay"
"Okay, I'll see you soon"
"See ya"
I hang up.

That was scary. I hope she's okay, what could've happened? About 15 minutes later I see her car pull up in front of mine. I open the door as she sprints inside. Once I close the door she grasps at my arms for a hug.
"Woah woah woah, what's wrong?" She breathes quick breaths.
"Here, I'll get us both soup and we can sit on the couch" she nods and pulls away.

I grab two bowls, and pour the soup inside. Bringing to her, I sit down next to her. After a few bites she says "this weird guy was outside my house today in front of his car" I look at her, waiting for more

"He was just standing outside of his red Mazda" my eyebrows shoot up "red Mazda?" She nods "the car that was passing by my house when you were over was a red Mazda" she nods "makes sense honestly" I take another bite of soup "I was too afraid to leave my house the whole day, and stayed upstairs. Then at about 5 I finally looked down the stairs and his car was gone"

She takes a sip of water "I called you 2 hours later and left as quickly as I could, I just hope he hasn't followed me" this poor girl. I feel so bad. "Wait-" confusion crosses my face "Didn't you call me at like 1?" She shares the same expression "uh no I was busy crying in my room" I giggle a little "but I got a call from you at 1 when I was in the book store, do you remember?"

She shakes her head "you told me my coffee was overpriced, and I was like 'how did you know'" she looks at me with wide eyes "you seriously don't remember" I say annoyed "y/n I've been home all day scared this guy was gonna break into my house, I can pull up my recent calls and show you I didn't call you"

She does just that and I read her last call to me. 7:08. I grab my phone then show her my recent calls, hoping I don't sound stupid. The call shows up
"Gil <3             1:12 pm"
"See!" I say. She compares our phone recents and looks frightened "but-" we both look at each other more confused than ever. Wtf is happening?

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