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As soon as she starts leaving hickeys, the door opens. I quickly look up and see a shocked, disgusted, and scared looking Kaydence standing there. She looks at y/n horrified. Once y/n sees who it is though, she quickly becomes angry.
"Kaydence what the fuck are you doing here?"
She gets off my waist, resuming her place on the other half of the make shift bed.

"I came here because my phone was forgotten and I see this?" She yells.
"I have to see you too fucking right in front of me?"
I look completely stunned watching her go up to the desk, grabbing the device. She looks even more upset as she walks back out.
"Y/n you are such an asshole."
She looks at Kaydence shocked, Then says.
"I'm an asshole for having a love life?" Kaydence turns around clearly annoyed.
"no your an asshole because... just look at you! I tell you how I feel and this is what I get?"

She stands up now.
"Kaydence I told you we could talk it out but you got up and left. Sorry that I'm not attracted to you but that wasn't nice of you either!"
She just stands there filling with rage.
"Just go fuck your new girlfriend I'll go home." I raise an eyebrow, debating if I should step in or not.
"Bro you can't keep playing victim! Like I'm trying to talk to you and you keep walking out, if you really liked me you would listen to me and not be a bitch about it."

I sit there a little taken aback. I've never seen her this mad before. Kaydence just turns her back and walks out. I sigh as she walks back up to me, completely and utterly pissed.
"Why is she like this? What the fuck is the point of telling me you like me then acting like this!"
I shrug as she gets back under the covers. It's probably not a good time, but I ask it anyways. "Did you ever like her?"

She chuckles.
"No, we've been friends for a while, and she never even told me she was into girls. Actually I thought she had a crush on David."
I look at her shocked.
She nods, giggling.
We both laugh. She snuggles up to me, head on my shoulder, curled up in a ball beside my body. Once I feel myself drifting off, I see lighting. It immediately wakes me back up as I eagerly wait for the thunder. Once the thunder strikes I feel her jump a little. I giggle while she looks outside.
"Ooo a thunderstorm."

She sits up.
"I love thunderstorms."
We both stand up and look out the window together, watching the rain fall down along with lots of lighting. We take stupid selfies and make jokes, it just makes me want to kiss her a million times. The rain becomes more and more heavy, before you can barely see outside. We chuckle and head back for the sheets.

Once all settled yet again, she looks over at me. Just smiling. Eventually she kisses me before falling asleep. I stay up a little more watching the rain before falling asleep too.

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