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I sit nervously on the couch. 12:57. I think about what I'm going to say, how it's going to go down, what's about to happen. Will we fight? Or will it be calm? I don't know. My gaze doesn't peel away from the window for a second. As I take a sip from my watered down iced coffee, I see the oh so familiar navy blue Kia Soul pull up beside my car.

I set the coffee down and watch Kaydence make her way up to my front door. I stand up as the doorbell rings. "Here it goes" I mumble as my hand meets the metal doorknob

I don't want to do this. I knew it was coming, but I was hoping it wouldn't. "ANDDDD ACTION!" Jeff's voice echos threw this glacier. David looks at me, hand icy cold on my shoulder "you can't do this" I say, my frozen breath just visible enough to see "I have to" I take a sharp inhale forcing tears to start forming "please" he sighs looking down, then re directing his focus back on me. After another second I prepare myself for what's about to come.

He quickly pulls in and starts kissing me. Tongue and all, just kissing me. I obviously engage, and kiss him back, waiting for this to be over. His hand pulls back as instructed, and I lean forward, onto him. I catch my breath then start kissing him again. He smiles and puts his hands around my waist. Only a few more seconds. "GOOD THATS A WRAP" Jeff yells. "Thank fucking god" I say, pulling away. David chuckles "not so bad having to make out with me huh?" I roll my eyes and slap his ass before leaving.

"BYE GILLY" he yells. I turn around and stick up my middle finger at him. He laughs as I make my way to the door. I just want to go home.

She stares at the floor, avoiding eye contact "let's just make this as quick as we can" she says, sitting down on my couch. I sit down too, weirded out by her approach to this. "Here is my contact list" she says, slowly scrolling though everyone. I know all of the names and think "what if she's telling the truth?" She hits the bottom, then says "if there's anything more you want just tell me"

I think for a second before saying "what about your recent calls" she rolls her eyes "your not going to find a fucking hitman from 7 months ago" I sigh as she shows me anyways "I'm not looking for 7 months ago, I'm looking for September 24, and later then that" September 24 was the day there was shots at Gillians work. I scroll through down to that date but still find nothing.

Is she actually being honest? I hand her the phone back "see? I told you" I think for what else could possibly show traces to her. I realize I'm out of luck as she stands up "well, I'm going" she walks off and slams my door shut. I look out the window as she gets into her car and pulls away. Now what? If she truly is innocent then who did this? I decide I'll wait until Gillians off work, then I'll tell her and ask what we should do next.

My music is paused as the notification for an incoming call pops up. I hit a red light and hit speaker phone.

"Hello, miss Anderson?"
"Yes that's me" Must be the police again
"Sorry to call on such short notice but we just wanted to inform you that this guy whose been stalking you"
"He just admitted that he's actually not working for anyone under the name of k"

I roll my eyes

"Yes, sorry to send you on a goose hunt for your friend Kaydence but this man simply has problems, and you were his victim"

I sigh

"Well thank you for your help"
"Of course, anytime, now you have a good day ma'am"

I hang up. Wtf. Your telling me Kaydence is innocent and this man just wanted to stalk and kill me with no meaning? Literally what is life.

I make a u-turn and head for y/n's house, I have to tell her this.

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