i dont feel safe

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We all hold our breath waiting for what's to come. Then theres a knock on the door "POLICE! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR" Jeff jumps up and unlocks the door "don't worry, you guys are safe now" says a tall officer with a kind face "each one of you will be driven home by one of us, we want you all to get home safe" as I stand up shakily, David grabs my hips and gently turns me around. He just hugs me as tight as possible for a minute letting me know we're okay. I smile at the gesture as a few officers enter the room.

A tall dark skin man with the sweetest face offers me a hand "I'll take you home young lady" he gives me the warmest smile as I walk out of the building with him. Once in the police car I ask "did you see who it was?" He starts the engine "no ma'am, I was one of the ones outside the building in case they needed backup" I nod "oh" he quickly glances at me "but if you'd like I could fiqure out the answers in a few days and let you know!" I nod again "thank you" he smiles "of course" I stare out the window and remember I can go on my phone.

I pull it out to see 5 messages from her. I bite my lip and open the messages app

6:50: hey gil! Are you almost done?
7:33: hi again, I was wondering once your done maybe you'd Wanna come over:)
7:34: it's okay if not though I understand if you tired! Hope your having fun <3
8:09: hey just wondering if you'll be done soon, sorry for bothering you :(
10:21: sorry gil I'm really tired, text me when you get home, goodnight :D

I feel bad seeing as it's now 10:47, I wish I could've been there. He drops me off at my house and I make a piece of toast, re collecting myself from the night. Part of me wants to cry, part of me wants to sleep. I throw on some pjs and don't even bother watching any tv. I'm having an early night. I quickly text her back tho

Gillian : hi y/n I'm really sorry, something happened while we were filming but I can tell you tomorrow, love ya :)

I put the phone down as my heart starts to race. I feel panicked, not sure why. I take a few seconds to breathe, trying to calm myself down but it's not helping. I'm struggling for air as tears suddenly fall out of my eyes. I feel uneasy. Like someone's watching me. I sit up in bed and look around my room, telling myself to get up and check what's bothering me.

My gut tells me to go to the window downstairs. I'm too scared for that. Instead I just stay seated waiting for it to be over. As I take deep breaths in, my eyes are watering even more, and my face feels damp. I just sit. But the more I sit the worse it gets so I stand. I stand up in my room and walk in circles back and forth. Eventually my heart rate starts to slow and I can finally catch my breath. Once I start to feel the littlest bit better I decide to go with my gut and check the window.

I peek out of my door to a brightened hallway, it confuses me as there's no lights on, something so illuminating it. I make my way down. Step by step I creak the floorboards trying to move slowly. The light gets brighter and brighter. Once I'm in eyesight of the window I see a car. What's weird is that the head lights are on, facing my house. I'm blinded by the light so I quickly run back to my room. Shivering, I close the door and get into bed.

I don't feel safe the rest of the night, and can feel myself sweating under the sheets. I don't move a muscle worrying someone is watching.
The morning takes forever to arrive, but once it does I can finally leave my room. I see sunlight appear on my covers and decide to unveil my eyes. It's about 2 hours later than I normally wake up because I was waiting for the sun, but that's okay because today is a day off!

Jeff texted us saying he would feel better having a day or two off and he'll let us know when we're filming next. I head downstairs and enjoy another piece of toast, watching the bright sun reflect on things outside. No sign of anyone. I finish my breakfast and go up to change.

"Maybe I'll text her" I say out loud.

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