oh ok

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I can't get over the city from up here. Her warm hands gently holding my neck and the way I see her chest move in and out with each breath.... It's just magical. I feel bad. I thought I was ready. I thought I was ready to fuck her in the middle of the field but I don't know what came over me. I'm so glad she isn't mad though, I've been through that problem way too many times.

We've been sitting here for probably over an hour by now and the sun is starting to set. "Y/n?" She says "yeah?" I look up at her. She looks like she's pausing, thinking about what to say next "you look so gorgeous" I smile "kiss me" she giggles and obeys, giving me a Spider-Man kiss. "We should probably head back" I nod and sit up, grabbing the bags of food. She folds the blanket and helps put everything back in my car.

"That was fun!" She nods "yeah we should do that again" she says, opening my door for me. On the ride home it feels.... Off. I can't say what, but something just felt different. She wasn't talking as much as she usually does, and when she did speak, it was quiet almost as if she wanted this night to end. It made my stomach hurt so I tried to stop worrying. Maybe I'm just nervous.

But as the minutes pass I can't help but feel like I screwed something up. Has she lost interest? Was there even any interest to begin with? I really like her, and I thought she did too, but now I'm not too sure. She drives back to my place, and She walks me to my door. Expecting her to come inside I'm a bit shocked when she turns for her car "wait" I say, as she turns back around "is something wrong?" Her face starts turning red "no of course not! My stomach just hurts from all the cheetos I ate!" She laughs it off and walks to her car. I faintly say "oh ok" and close the door. What did I do.

No no no that was awful. Why am I acting like this? I should've stopped and kissed her but I can't. I quickly drive home and just sit in the solitude of my car for a second. I hope I haven't ruined things. Am I really that nervous about asking her? I decide to do the one thing that always helps. Call David.

"Heyyy" his voice echos "hi, can I ask you something?" He nods "tell me your whole life story" I chuckle "I went out with her today" he gasps "you went out with extra?" I roll my eyes "David listen, I want to ask her to be my girlfriend but is it too soon?" He starts eating a chip "I say it's now or never" I sigh "but like halfway through after we saw you I don't know why but I started acting weird" I hear him grab another chip "like I wasn't talking, and I know it sounded like I wanted her to leave even though I didn't. Plus I didn't even ask to stay the night at her house, or kiss her goodbye"

I hear the muffled chewing "sounds like someone's nervous" I roll my eyes yet again "David I'm serious what do I do?" He chuckles "gil calm down! Ask her tomorrow, she probably thinks you've lost interest from what I can hear" I pause for a sec "you think-" I stop and think "actually you might be right for once" he gasps "once? What do you mean I'm always-" I cut him off "thanks!" And hang up.

I'll ask her tomorrow, he's right. She probably thinks I'm mad or something. Ahh I can't wait now.

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