Your friend Kaydence has gotten a job working for David Duchovny. While you come along for the trip and realize there's someone on set who's caught your eye.
*YOUR POV* "Hi pretty girl" for some reason that gives me butterflies. Lots of butterflies. "Hi" I say, letting her in the house "again, sorry about coming on such short notice, I just wanted to ask you something."
I close the door and motion for her to sit on the couch with me. "Don't worry it's fine, sorry I look like this." I laugh before continuing, "you texted a few minutes after I woke up from a nap." She laughs with me and I offer her some water. She declines and gets right to the point. "So I don't know if I'm being too personal, but after the shoot today I asked Kaydence why she totally ignored you this morning."
I freeze. Oh shit. "You did?" She nods. "I'm really really sorry, I know it's most certainly not my place but It just made me so mad for some reason." I wonder if Kaydence hit her or something, I mean I wouldn't put it beyond her. That girl has a very high temper and once she's mad, she's mad. "She told me it was none of my business, whatever," I nod. "but then she said 'and stop hitting on my friend' and I was like huh?"
I look at her partly grossed out, and partly confused on why she would say that. Obviously this woman is beautiful, maybe I have been hitting on her, but whatever! "Why would she say that? What the fuck is her problem?" She shakes her head. "I don't know, I just wanted to apologize for doing that, again I know it's not my place this is between you guys, but it's just not nice to treat someone like that, and I'm sorry she did that to you."
I look away at the table to the side of us. "don't worry about it, Kaydence gets like that." After a moment, when I'm about to ask if that's all, I feel a hand on mine. I look back over at her. She smiles and looks away chuckling "sorry I just can't get over how gorgeous you are."
I laugh. "back at you." She smiles even bigger, then stands up. I don't want her to go, in all honesty I enjoyed last night with her and I like her presence. "I guess I should get going."
*GILLIANS POV* While reaching for my coat I'm wishing to stay. I want her to say "wait, stay for tonight" but she's not that kind of person. Maybe I shouldn't have touched her hand, that's kind of weird for co workers, especially after what I said to Kaydence. I sigh and begin to open the door when she says "wait."
I quickly smile, hoping for best and turn around. "yeah?" She looks like she's trying to recite a speech. "would you um... wanna spend the night here? Sorry if that sounds weird I just-" I cut her off. "of course." She smiles and I think I even see her blush in this nearly pitch black room only illuminated by the moonlight.
Taking off my coat once more, she stands up "you want some pj's?" I nod, watching her walk upstairs. I look at the dark living room and kitchen, trying to make out my surroundings before She runs back down holding a red slip dress.
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"Sorry, all my shorts are dirty so all I have is this slip dress." I take it apprehensively. "you sure it's not just cause you want to see me in a tight dress?" She giggles, "maybe, but whatever go try it on." I roll my eyes and she guides me to her bathroom. I put it on and realize it's surprisingly comfy, and walk out and see her in awe. "you look so beautiful wow." I laugh "thanks."
"I'm so tired right now." She yawns into her blanket. "same." I reply. We just look into each others eyes for a sec. Hers are green with these little shimmers here and there, it's so pretty. "Want to go to sleep? I think I might pass out even though I just napped." We laugh as I nod and She takes me up to her room. It's cozy. Blankets, lots of stuffed animals, big closet, paintings, I like it.
She flops onto the bed then helps me in. Before even saying anything I'm out like a light. I'm so exhausted from today. Thank god I'm here.
*YOUR POV* Shit she really must've been tired. I lay on my side, and stomach, before realizing I'm not comfy. I hope this is okay I think as I shift myself over, facing her. I STILL DONT HAVE HER NAME. Well it's too late now what the fuck. I roll my eyes and rest my head on her shoulder and her pillow.
It's a warm, nice night. As much as I hate to say it.... I love her presence. Why does she feel so comforting, and so safe to me? I wish I knew. I could get used to nights like this.