so excited

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I'm blushing all the way up the stairs, I'm so excited. Once we reach the top I say,
"Wait before we get settled, do you wanna go buy some food and stuff?"
She nods and smiles. It is about an hour before the building closes, so we have plenty of time.

I lead her to my car and drive up to Walmart. Once we're inside, it's like kids in a candy store. We both find chips and candy, drinks, pillows, even stuffed animals.
"I'm getting this one."
She says, holding up a fluffy cow.
"Okay, but I'm getting the matching one."
I say holding up the same thing but in pink.

She giggles and grabs another one. While walking around to the freezer isle to grab ice cream I feel a warm hand touch mine. I look down by my side to see her peach nails making there way against my hand. Smiling, we intertwine our fingers as she blushes. We both agree on chocolate swirl ice cream and head to the checkout, still hand in hand.

"Your total is 53.97."
The checkout lady says, while I see y/n pulling out her card,
"I got it don't worry." I say, handing the cashier my card. She smiles and grabs the bags. We say thank you and head to my car.
"You didn't have to do that."
She says. I just give her a smirk and open the car door for her.

"Oh shit we gotta get there fast before it locks." I say reading my cars clock. It's 10:57, we make it back just in time and run up the stairs like school girls, laughing all the way there. I help her set up pillows and blankets, making a sort of Fort. Once all settled, I open my laptop (meant for work purposes) and say,
"Okay, what do we want to watch?"
We debate over certain shows and movies and end up settling on some kind of heartbreak movie I've never seen.

This is one of my favourite movies I'm so happy she agreed to watch it with me. I excitedly open the ice cream as she eats the chips, and About halfway through the movie , hearing a sniffle and look over. My face melts as I see her crying. Putting the ice cream down, I wrap my arms around her, A warm sensation filling my stomach.
"I know, it's sad right?"
She nods and I smile. This is so wholesome.

I hold her til the end of the movie. Once the credits come on screen, and a little teary myself, I look down in my lap too see her smiling now.
"Did you like it?"
She chuckles.
"Yeah it was just really fucking sad."
She says, wiping her face.
"I don't think I could watch that again."
I giggle with her then admire her smile. I decide to make an impulsive decision.
I lean down and give her a sideways kiss on the lips.

I'm kissing her.
My lips atop of hers. Finally.

What's funny is neither of us pull away. We prolong it for quite a few seconds. The feeling stops as I begin to remove my lips from hers. She sits up and says,
"do you still wanna stay up?"
I wrap up the candy bags.
"I mean, movies always make me tired but if you want to stay up I'm fine with that."

She nods and looks down at the sheets.
"You look tired." She says with a smile.
I smile back softly but that doesn't peel my eyes away from the sheets. She close's the laptop and puts everything aside, giving us room to sleep. I bite my lip and recollect my thoughts. "Something wrong?"
She asks, lying on her side. I look over at her and position myself the same way she is.
"Can you just kiss me?"
She smiles devilishly and pulls me in. It's a gentle kiss before she puts her hand along my jawline, feeling my hair too.

She pulls away for a second and grins at me, then comes back for more. The kiss heats up which soon turns into a make out session. The butterflies in my stomach are so intense I swear my stomach is moving, Biting my lip before meeting her tongue once more.

I then hear a noise but can't fiqure out what it is. It sounds like maybe something fell off a table, I'm not too sure. Either way I keep my lips on hers engaging in every movement before I'm somehow on top of her. Not sure how it happened, but oh well here I am. Smiling an unpure smile before kissing her neck and as I do so, I hear the door open.
What the fuck?

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