phone call

170 9 4

The aggressive vibration of my alarm goes off. I quickly reach under the pillow and turn it off, forgetting I even turned one on. I hit the stop button then make my way out of bed. "Shit" I mumble, realizing I don't have my work clothes. I have about 30 minutes to spare so I quickly write her a note, grab my clothes from last night and head out the door.

Well not before planting a kiss on her forehead. Ok now I'm out. I drive home to quickly change into my usual suit, then race to the new building we're filming in. This episode we have to be in a "new town" and investigate a science lab. Once I arrive I realize how big this place is and get ready for what's to come.

I greet david, and we make small talk before we have to start filming. I sigh, I don't want to to do this.

I turn over and realize my hand isn't on her stomach. I open my eyes and see my bed is empty, no body beside me. I yawn and grab my phone, thinking maybe she'd have texted me, it's not like her to just leave without saying anything.

But once I click the home button I'm surprised to see "no new notifications". I stare at it, and refresh the page. I go to messages, but see nothing. Did she really just.... Leave? No, there must be a reason. I get up and head downstairs for some tea. At the fourth step I see a small white paper sitting on my counter.

I smile "yes" I think, sprinting down the stairs.
It reads

"Hey y/n! Really sorry I couldn't be here this morning but I remembered that I have work today. I'm so sorry, please let me make it up to you some night, I love you!
muah muah

I blush. "I knew there would be a reason" I think. I have my tea, then get ready for the day. Smiling, I think of everything I could do. I decide to go to the mall, and treat myself to my favourite cookie place. I'll see if Gillian wants to come over tomorrow, she deserves to have a day to herself too, even if it's at work.

About 2 hours later I'm ready to go, and head out to my car.

It's lunch break, and I'm enjoying sharing David's sandwich.... I guess. "This mustard is so gross" he rolls his eyes "don't complain to the feeder miss orphan" I look at him in shock, then laugh "not my fault I have a girlfriend to attend to unlike some people" he chuckles "ok well-" my phone rings, cutting him off "sorry davey wavey give me a minute"

I laugh as he gets offended, he hates when I say that. "Hello?"
"Hello, is this miss Anderson?"

Replies a deep male voice

"Yes that's me"
"So we were informed about a shooting in your workplace, as well as a stalker in your area?"

I nod

"That's correct"
"Okay, miss Anderson would you happen to know anyone by the name of Kaydence?"

I raise my eyebrow

"Yes, sound familiar?"

I sigh

"Yes, I do know a Kaydence"
"Ok, would this Kaydence have any reason to want to inflict harm on you?"

I make the 😐 face

"Probably, I'm dating her best friend who she had a crush on"

I hear the faintest chuckle from the other line

"Okay, well we've reviewed the footage from the shooting at your work, and we've reviewed your description of this stalker"

I take another bite of the sandwich

"We have reason to believe this Kaydence has hired a hitman"
"A hitman?"

I swallow

"Why would she do that?"
"I don't know ma'am, but from this footage we've identified the man, and called him here. He told us he was just doing his job"

I look at David, who's staring intensely at me

"He said he's working for someone named k. We asked around, and narrowed the options down to Kaydence since she has the most reason to pull something like this"

My brain hurts

"Well what can we do about this?"
"The most we can do is ask her, but if she denies, and you want to have further action, we can put her on trial but that would be where it would take months"

I sigh

"Well thank you for letting me know, question her as soon as you can please"
"Will do, have a good day miss Anderson"

I hang up. "Sooo" David says "police just said Kaydence hired a hitman on me" his expression quickly changes from funny to shocked "actually?" I nod "is she that mad you took her bff" I shrug "don't know". This day couldn't get any worse.

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