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* Gillians POV*
After we finish the pasta she offers me a stale cookie. I giggle and gladly except as she grabs one her self. After a few minutes we decide to watch a movie. We pick a horror movie and curl up on her couch. About 30 minutes in, we keep seeing lights pass by the window. "Okay who needs to drive by 4 fucking times" I say, closing the curtains as far as they can close

We try to continue but the light keeps peeking through. She sighs and says "why don't we watch this on my laptop in my room" I nod annoyed, and stand up. We turn off the light and tv, walking upstairs to her room. We get in the bed and cuddle up again, resuming where we left off. We both nearly fall asleep before the movie is even over so I decide to just shut it off. I say goodnight and proceed to fall asleep next to her. Even if this was kind of shit, I'm glad I'm not at my own house.


I wake up and look over at her still sleeping. I grab my phone and am met with texts from an unknown number. Thinking it's one of those scammers I'm excited to send some weird text back and scare them, but once I click on the messages, I don't follow through. About 7 pictures of me and her sleeping next to each other last night are what I see. And in between each picture says some weird shit like

"So pretty"
"very beautiful"

I'm weirded out and look over to see the door is open. Y/n closed it last night. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. I tap her shoulder "y/n" she groans and yawns "yeah?" I show her the texts. She sits there in shock "how-" "I don't know" her eyes are wide, face covered in pure nerves.

"I swear I locked the door, what the-" she stands up and walks down the stairs. Coming back up she says "the door was unlocked, I just locked it but how could someone have done that?" I keep staring at the covers and shake my head "I don't know" I say quietly. She slowly walks over to me "I'm glad nothing happened to us but this is just weird"

I don't say anything. For a few minutes we both try to piece together everything. As I sit contemplating, my phone rings "who the fuck is calling now" I mumble. "Oh shit" the number reads "Police department of Vancouver" I click answer

"Hello, is this Gillian Anderson?"
"Yes it is"

"Hello miss Anderson, one of our police officers took you home the other night and said you were curious about who made the gunshot at your work building?"

"Yes that's correct"

"Okay, we truly can't gather much since the culprit is in all black, plus a mask. The only evidence we could find is that it was a male around 6 foot"


"Miss Anderson is there any chance you know a person who is that tall male?"

"I don't know any who would consider harming us"

"Any connections to someone who could hire a hitman?"

"I'm really not sure"

"Okay, well thank you for your time"

"Yes thank you for telling me, have a good day"

I hang up. "Who was that?" She asks. Someone from the police department" I say, still a little shaken "oh have they fiqured out who it was!" I shake my head "tall male is all they could get"
She sighs "she said maybe someone could've hired a hitman?" A confused expression is on her face "who would hire a hitman?" I shrug.

"Go have some breakfast, I've lost my appetite" I say, giving her a smile. She tilts her head a little "you sure you don't want a piece of toast?"
"No, I'm fine" she nods and turns for the stairs.

I get a few minutes to sit here with my own thoughts, but at the moment that seems a little overwhelming. I just sit on the bed and pick at my nails.

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