IDEALIZED (Sugawara Koushi)

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Originally posted on my Tumblr

Late happy birthday Suga! I kinda didn't know how to keep writing this and got stuck on it for days so maybe a part 2 someday.

("Soulmate" AU)

Pairings: Sugawara x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes

Summary: Sugawara Koushi seems to be completely perfect: good grades, talented athlete, responsible, and a total sweetheart. Everyone adores him: his friends, his teachers, and half the school's female population.

But, if he's so perfect, why does your string of fate, that red string that warns you of the most dangerous person in your life, lead right to him?

AU Context: Some people have a "String of Fate" that, instead of symbolizing love like in soulmate AUs, leads straight to the most dangerous person in your life when you're close enough to them. The string is invisible to everyone EXCEPT the person that would be in danger. Not everyone in the world has a string of fate but those that do have no idea in what way they will be in danger.



regarded or represented as perfect or better than in reality.

If there ever was someone you could accurately call "Mr. Perfect" it would be Sugawara Koushi.

He was intelligent, even if it wasn't enough to land him in the advanced class.

He was adored by the teachers for his work ethic and respectfulness.

He was the vice captain of the boys' volleyball team (which was making a comeback the entire school was ecstatic about).

He was a charismatic sweetheart that made friends effortlessly.

He was handsome in a sweet, boyish way. Soft gray-ish hair, alluring light brown eyes, a unique birthmark, and a dazzling smile... It was no wonder that he had girls falling head-over-heels for him.

Best of all? He wasn't a jerk about it.

Humble, modest, and kind to everyone... As close to an "angel on earth" that you could get.

You'd heard plenty about him from your friends' rambling and general school gossip, but you'd never talked to him personally. The only times you'd seen him were from across the hallway or schoolyard while you both went about your normal days. Your classrooms weren't near each other and you weren't on any sports teams, so your paths never intersected.

Until today, that is.

He was walking down the hallway in the opposite direction, waving happily at everyone he passed. You could smell his sweet cologne as he passed; could see one of his heart-stopping smiles directed straight to you.

But his pearly-white smile isn't what caused your heart to stop.

No, it was the blood-red noose tightening around your finger, leading straight to the finger of the person you're supposed to be terrified of, that brought you to a sudden halt.

Of all people... why Sugawara?

The string, invisible to him, stood stark red against his pale finger. You couldn't do anything but stare at it blankly, the rising terror blocking your ears from his concerned inquiry.

What is this? Why do I even have a string? Does he really pose that much danger to me...? How is he dangerous? Why?

Fate was warning you. You didn't know why or for what, but it was warning you, and that was all you needed to know to have you stumbling away from the gray-haired boy, ignoring his wide-eyed expression and nervous questions sent your way.

Just don't go near him and you'll be fine. You tell yourself. You never ran into him before and you've never talked to him so it's fine. Everything will go back to normal tomorrow.

You just wished you could believe your own reassurances.

You felt bile rising in your throat, disbelief clouding your vision as you stared down at the red string tugging insistently on your index finger. Why-?

The answer to your unfinished internal question came in the form of a gently-smiling gray-haired boy taking a seat next to you. All of his attention was trained on you, but your own eyes remained locked on the red thread that lay between the two of you.

"I'm sorry if I scared you in the hallway somehow." Sugawara craned his neck at an awkward angle as he leaned forward so that his eyes could meet your distracted ones. You jerked back slightly, staring back into his soft brown eyes.

Why is he even apologizing? From anyone else's perspective, it looked like I just had a dramatic outburst for no reason. Why isn't he avoiding me like the plague?

And, yet, he continued, earnestly meeting your gaze, "I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Sugawara Koushi. What's your name?"

Why can't I look away? It's like a disturbing video that you want to turn away from but you can't tear your eyes from the horrible actions...

"(Y/n)." There wasn't enough strength in your body to say more than one word to him and, even then, your voice trembled violently in each syllable.

"That's a beautiful name!" Sugawara leaned in closer, his smile so genuine that it made your heart skip a beat. He was so close- all you could smell was his sweet cologne and minty breath-

It was suffocating.

You spun around on the bench and stumbled over it, moving to run from the table. Hurriedly gathering your stuff, you turned your back on him for a moment, spine prickling with the knowledge that he was watching you.

A hand placed on the small of your back had you letting out a strangled yelp and scrambling away from the third-year. Facing him once more, ready to fight your way out of the situation if needed, you were met with his confused expression and slender arms handing your books to you.

"S-sorry..." You couldn't help the embarrassed darkening of your cheeks, despite your lingering terror. Acting like this was so out-of-character for you but... that red string in the corner of your eye banished any regrets.

Your life was more important than his feelings.

There was no pride in the way you scurried away from Sugawara without another word. You never looked back. Maybe, in the future, you'd wish you did.

Maybe the only reason he noticed you, and subsequently became a danger to you, was because you piqued his interest.

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