BETRAY (Oikawa Tooru)

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A request on my Tumblr!

Title: Betray

Pairings: Oikawa x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, cheating/infidelity, heavily implied murder, swearing, stalking, death threats, bullying, delusional thought process, slut-shaming (?), a spoonful of angst, surprise adoption (literally), Oikawa's a total sleazebag

Summary: You thought Oikawa understood your decision to save yourself until marriage, but as your two-year anniversary approaches, you get shocking news that turns your world upside down. You're 100% done with Oikawa.

But he's not done with you. And your life's going to be a living hell until you learn to accept that.



be disloyal to.

Finding a gift for Oikawa was near-impossible. If the man ever mentioned he wanted something while in public, his fangirls would send hundreds of it in his fan mail. That meant you had to find something meaningful, which proved to be more difficult for the second year anniversary of your relationship with him than the first.

When he was around, these days, it felt like he was more distant than when he was away at games. Still, you didn't think he was cheating on you.

Not until now.

"I'm so, so, so sorry (Y/n)." The pretty blonde had tears filling her eyes, "I didn't know he had a girlfriend. He didn't make it public or anything, but when I found out, I stopped seeing him. I... I got pregnant and had his baby but... I just... I couldn't live in a lie anymore. When I saw you shopping here... I finally confronted my fears and I knew I had to tell you the truth. 10 months ago Oikawa and I started sleeping together. We stopped about 3 months later, when I realized he had a girlfriend. I'd never sleep with someone in a relationship, not if I knew they were."

Your vision spun, your brain barely processing the words. You wanted to deny her words, say that she's just lying to get a famous volleyball player in trouble... but the one-month-old's familiar brown eyes staring into your own made you choke up.

It wasn't enough that he cheated on you multiple times, he had to keep it a secret from you for almost a year. Did he ever plan to tell you?

You shakily placed the milk bread back on the shelf, tears slipping down your cheeks. Your two-year anniversary was the furthest thing on your mind now.

"Why didn't you tell me? Maybe I could have... maybe I could have forgiven you! You cheated on me, lied to me! How could you?"

Oikawa's face was blank, but you could see his features twitching as he forced his emotions to hide.

"Don't you have anything to say for yourself? Anything to explain?" You wanted him to say something, anything. Even if it couldn't change a damn thing, you just... you needed to know what he was thinking when he decided to betray you.

It was like a mother wanting the police to find her child's body, knowing full well her child had been murdered. It wouldn't change a thing, it might even make her feel worse, but she needed to bury her baby to move on. You needed to know why to move on.

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