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WARNINGS: Yandere themes, cheating/infidelity, heavy manipulation, talk of mental health/therapy/medication, swearing, Shirabu is your cousin, Semi's probably a bit OOC

Summary: Semi knows he screwed up, that it's his fault that you're gone. But he can't just accept that fact and move on. No, he'll make sure that no one will ever let you leave him.



false or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive.

Ironically, the argument had been about your worry that Semi wouldn't get serious about his relationship with you. You'd been together for five years and you worried that Semi was never going to propose.

When you'd pushed for an answer, begged him to tell you if he ever planned to start a future with you, he snapped back. He complained that you were being too pushy, that he wasn't ready to settle down yet. Maybe in a couple years.

You reminded him that, in two years, you would be going on your eight-year anniversary. And that was if he even proposed then-

It ended in him storming out the door, leaving you in tears, wondering if you were too pushy, too selfish. Maybe you'd let your friends' teasing about how long you both had been dating get to you. Maybe your cousin Kenjirou's insistence that Semi was just stringing you along sowed a seed of doubt in your mind.

Yet, you didn't want to wait ten years to marry Semi, if he even wanted to ever get married. You wanted to buy a house together, live together, maybe even have kids together... but Semi didn't share that goal.

Many couples would break up over such differing life goals, but you were determined to make it work. You loved Semi and you'd never break up with him for that reason.

You would, however, break up with him for cheating on you.

Kenjirou did a horrible job of concealing his glee when he showed you photographic proof of your boyfriend's infidelity. Semi, naked, with an equally-naked girl curled in his arms. Both on a bed, smiling in their sleep.

You bawled your eyes out and, when Semi came over and you broke it off, he wordlessly collected his things and left. You wanted him to tell you that it was photoshopped or set up, but he didn't even bother to try to explain himself.

He knew exactly what he did and, even though you wanted to believe any lie he'd tell you, he knew that you wouldn't actually believe him. That, deep down, you'd resent him, never trust him, and be hurt more by the time you spent together.

As much as he hated himself, the one thing he could do for you is let you heal without him there to remind you of why you're broken. As he passed Shirabu, the younger man gave him a triumphant smirk, making Semi's fists clench in anger. Your cousin had always hated and distrusted him, waiting for the smallest slip up.

Well, at least one person was happy about this.

Semi was surprised to learn that you'd told others that the two of you broke up, instead of explaining that you'd dumped his cheating ass. You had every right to tell the world what a scummy person Semi Eita really was, yet you just acted like it was a mutual parting for reasons you didn't want to share.

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