IDEALIZED PART 2 (Sugawara Koushi)

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Requested on Quotev! The first part of this series was barely yandere, so I hope the second part's better!

Title: Idealized (Part 2)

Pairings: Sugawara Koushi x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes

Summary: Sugawara Koushi seems to be completely perfect: good grades, talented athlete, responsible, and a total sweetheart. But, if he's so perfect, why does your string of fate, that red string that warns you of the most dangerous person in your life, lead right to him?

AU Note: Some people have a "String of Fate" that, instead of symbolizing love like in soulmate AUs, leads straight to the most dangerous person in your life when you're close enough to them. The string is invisible to everyone EXCEPT the person that would be in danger. Not everyone in the world has a string of fate but those that do have no idea in what way they will be in danger.



regarded or represented as perfect or better than in reality.

Sugawara scared you. Not just because of the red string of fate, but also because of how persistent he was in trying to gain your affection.

It had started out small- him trying to talk to you after classes, although you kept silent and hurried away, or him sending you smiles and waves that were never returned. This, at first, seemed only friendly, and not too ominous, had it not been for the red string, of course.

Then it had upgraded to phone calls. You had not, of course, ever given him your number, but still, he managed to get ahold of you somehow.

"Hey, (Y/n), this is Sugawara Koushi. I know you didn't give me your number directly but-"

You'd hung up so quickly that your cell phone bounced out of your hands and hit the carpeted floor of your bedroom. You spent the rest of the night staring out your window and jumping at the movement of every little shadow, swearing that you could feel eyes on you.

Then came the love letters and gifts. Fluffy teddy bears of all colors and sizes, some holding hearts and some not, all mysteriously made their way into your locker. The letters weren't as concerning, since someone could easily slip it through the slats near the top, but the teddy bears meant that your locker had been opened.

Around Valentine's Day, he'd put a heart-shaped box of chocolates inside. This was the first thing from him that you actually considered keeping, but you remembered how gross some of those candies could be, and it was tossed into the school trash can like everything else that made its way into your locker.

The first flowers he'd laid on your desk were plain red roses. Beautiful, but overdone to the point of "nothing special". When the next bouquet came to rest on the polished surface, you wished he'd stuck with roses.

After all, now you had to worry about how he'd managed to guess your favorite type of flower.

There was always a note attached to them and, though you'd resolved to throw them away without reading it, much like the letters, curiosity took hold of you only once.

"To my number one princess, may these flowers light up your day like you brighten up my life."

You never read another note after that.

All throughout this time, Sugawara's desperate attempts to speak to you continued. Unknown numbers continued to call you at all hours of the day and night, and you were sure that they were mostly from him. Avoiding him was proving difficult as well.

It didn't take too long for the school to catch on that their precious role model had developed a crush. Girls "oohed" and "awwed" over the fact, finding it positively adorable that the gray-haired boy was head-over-heels for someone, even if it wasn't them. His teammates always pushed him towards you, trying to help him "gain the courage" to talk to you.

If only they knew.

Cooing and encouraging turned to curt remarks and gossip whispered just loud enough for you to hear. "Who does that girl think she is, ignoring Sugawara like that?" "She's so mean!" "Why won't she even give him a chance? Doesn't she realize how lucky she is?"

Every day, you felt more and more like the outcast, to the point that you genuinely considered giving him a chance. But, as he approached you, that red string tied like a noose around your finger, and it had you skittering away from him.

Sometimes, he'd stare at you from across the cafeteria or school grounds with a thoughtful expression on his face. To you, it seemed like he was trying to figure out how to finally corner you somewhere.

You'd piqued his interest somehow and you hated it. Had you known how to stop him from becoming this way, you would have done it in a heartbeat. Should you have been calmer when you saw the string for the first time? Should you have been pleasant when he came to greet you at that table?

You couldn't help your reactions- you were just a reactionary person. But perhaps that was the reason you were in trouble in the first place.

Another part of you, one you found much more soothing, reassured you that this was unavoidable, not your fault at all. If the string existed at all, then he'd eventually become a danger to you. Nothing you could do would stop him from becoming a monster, but at least you hadn't caused it.

Fate had.

You fiddled with your fingers, feeling very vulnerable home alone, wishing your mom would hurry up and get home from work already. Your skin crawled whenever you pictured a certain gray-haired male crawling through your window or knocking at your front door. He plagued your mind at night, especially, when you could no longer see anyone from the window.

You jumped when your phone rang, the contact "Mom" showing brightly across the screen. You took the call and cradled the phone close to your ear, smiling.

"Hello, princess," an out-of-breath voice responded immediately.

Your heart froze.

That wasn't your mother, or even your father, on the other end of the phone.

It was Sugawara.

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