ANNOYANCE (Futakuchi Kenji)

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Some of you might wonder "Why didn't Sienna choose Shirabu??" but I have two or three requests with him coming up, so I decided I would choose one of the other options XD

But I totally agree, there's like nothing on them anywhere! Since I only have a Yandere Alphabet for Futakuchi, he's getting his own one-shot!

Title: Annoyance

Pairings: Futakuchi Kenji x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, sexism, swearing, Futakuchi is just so oml

Summary: You've always found Futakuchi annoying, but he's only gotten worse since you caught his attention.



a thing that annoys someone; a nuisance

Futakuchi had an attitude about him that you really couldn't stand. An overconfidence that inflated his ego and drove you away.

He really did think he was the best of the best. You bet if you asked him, he'd claim he was the only reason Dateko was good. Whoever the hell made him captain was an idiot, in your opinion. After all, it just made his ego grow even more than you ever thought possible.

You avoided him the best you could, but that was hard to do when you shared all of your classes. Somehow, you hadn't caught his eye until now.

You could hear him bragging from a mile away, but you still couldn't avoid him and his teammates. Disgruntled, you tried to focus on practice even harder, but Futakuchi's comments just grew louder in the echoey gymnasium.

"You know, girls really shouldn't play volleyball. They aren't any good at it."


"I mean, we've gone to nationals. None of these ladies can relate to something like that."


"I bet, under my leadership, we'll win at nationals this year and the next. These girls can only hope to get on our lev-"


"Oops," you said blandly, "the ball slipped."

Futakuchi glared daggers at you, clutching his nose to stop the blood spurting from it. You couldn't resist a short, sarcastic little smile as you watched him leave the gym with quite a bit of satisfaction.

"That guy's in your class, right?" One of your teammates asked, "What a jerk..."

"Yeah, good thing you accidentally threw that volleyball at his face, huh?" Your team captain gave you a knowing smirk.

Spirits were high for the rest of practice. They wouldn't have been if you'd known what was to come.

"Let me take you out to eat. You know, to make it up to me."

"You should really run errands for me while I heal. It's the least you could do."

"Help me out on this homework. It's hard to see with my nose so swelled up!"

If you found Futakuchi annoying before, his obnoxious behavior had only tripled since the "accident" in the gym. He spent every moment badgering you to do this or that with him and it freaked you out, to say the least.

You'd tried everything from a polite "no" to "fuck off", but nothing worked. He seemed to get more determined with every rejection. What were you supposed to do, if saying "no" only made him try harder?

He also made you uncomfortable, with how touchy he'd become. It seemed like he always wanted his hands on you in one way or another, and when he towered over you with his lanky form, it made you start to panic.

"Please please please please please please please!" Futakuchi begged each and every time, "I'm asking so nicely, so you have to do it, riiiiight? Pleaaaaaase?"

How annoying.

He popped up everywhere you went, so it was impossible to avoid him anymore. Why had you thrown that ball at his face? Now he probably viewed you as a challenge or, worse, this was his revenge.

Why wouldn't he just grow tired of bothering you?

It wasn't until he cornered you after practice one day, gripping your hands tightly in his, demanding that you take him up on his offer of a date that you took him seriously.

And it wasn't until after the date, where he clearly spent every moment trying to woo you and cling onto you, that you realized this wasn't some sort of elaborate prank.

You were forced to confront the realization that he wanted you, for some reason or another. And, as annoying and frightening as it was...

He wouldn't stop until he had you.

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