OVERLOOK (Miya Astumu)

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Title: Overlook

Pairings: Miya Atsumu x Reader; non-yandere Miya Osamu x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, masculine female reader, drunk reader

Summary: Atsumu only sees you as one of the boys.



fail to notice (something)

The ball slammed against the floor, shooting back up into the air as the girls' team cheers. The scoreboard was flipped, showing the numbers 25 to 20.

"Thank you for the game!" the two teams told each other a moment later before breaking up to mingle among each other.

"Congratulations on the final point," Osamu cheered, clapping you on the back. You're glad your childhood friend isn't a sore loser.

"Girls versus boys, and the girls win- how unfair," Atsumu, another childhood friend, was less charitable, a defined pout on his face.

"That sounds pretty sexist," you warned teasingly, "Assuming the boys will win and all."

Atsumu responded back with an even bigger pout. You laughed, trying to hide the blush from your cheeks as you looked at him.

A dark-haired boy walked over to stand next to Atsumu. He gave you a bored look for a moment before saying, "I thought you were a boy at first. You know, because of the short hair and muscles."

A flush spread across your face. You knew that was how most people saw you, but it hurt hearing it directly from someone.

"That's not very nice, Suna," Osamu said coldly. You silently thanked him, giving a timid little nod.

Everyone thought you were a boy when they first saw you. It didn't matter that you were somewhat girly, other than liking sports, it didn't matter if you wore the girls' uniform or had a romantic worldview- you weren't seen as a woman at all.

You supposed it couldn't be helped too much- your hairstyle was very typical of a boy's and your figure was not very feminine. You were tall, muscular, and flat-chested.

The coaches of each team blew their whistles and you gathered with your team to hear the critiques from the practice match. You could tell that your coach was proud of you all for winning against the boys and you beamed whenever she praised your strength.

You were the one randomly chosen to stay behind and clean the gym. You didn't mind at all, it always gave you time to think.

The boys left the gym, all except for Atsumu. Your heart skipped a beat as you realized he must've been chosen to stay and clean too! The blush that spread across your face was massive, touching even the tips of your ears, and you couldn't keep the smile off your face.

Not a minute later and the two of you were alone together, running around, picking up balls and things that had been left behind. Once you had finished with that, the two of you headed for the janitorial closet to get the brooms.

"Hey, Atsumu," your heart was pounding in your ears, but you knew this was the time to ask, when you were completely alone for once and not around each other's teammates.

"What's up, (Y/n)?" Atsumu asked, grabbing a large broom.

"I... I like you..." You blurted out, "Like... a lot."

Atsumu immediately laughed, "Same, yer one of my closest friends, I'm almost as close to ya as Osamu."

"No, that's not what I mean," you said frantically, "I mean-"

"Come on, I want to get this over with," Atsumu whined, slipping past you and placing the broom on the floor, "Stop joking around."

Your heart sank and tears leapt to your eyes. A strangled "okay" left your lips but you were anything but okay.

You shouldn't have come to this party. Not if you wanted to keep your sanity.

Nearly the first sight you'd been greeted with was Atsumu making out with some random girl on the couch. The worst part had to be how the girl looked- skinny, feminine, large-breasted, and short. The complete opposite of you was clearly Atsumu's type.

When Atsumu walked up to you with her on his arm, it's all you could do to wish them a congratulations. You're tearful the moment they turn away.

"Are you okay?" A soft voice asked you. You looked over to the source and were surprised to see Osamu standing next to you.

"I'm fine," the minute the words leave your mouth, you burst into tears.

Osamu gently led you over to one of the open private rooms and rubbed your back as you sob into your hands. You're thankful for the comforting motions.

"What's the matter?" Osamu asked you.

The words spill out of your mouth before you can even think about keeping quiet, "No one sees me as a woman, Osamu. I look like a guy and that's all everyone thinks of me."

"I see ya as a woman," Osamu said quietly, "I always have."

Before you know it, he's closing the gap between you both. You allow it to happen, surprised by how soft his lips are as they meet your own. You melt into the kiss as though it were the only thing that mattered.

Three months later, another party rolls around. It's a celebration for the team going to nationals and you're there to support Osamu. You've drowned at least four drinks by now, and they're nowhere near light on the alcohol.

You're stumbling around, nearly blackout drunk at this point, when you run into Atsumu. Your feelings for him have long since faded, replaced by a fondness for his twin, but you can't stop the words from coming. The alcohol has obliterated your filter.

"You know, I used to have a crush on you," you giggle drunkenly, "All I wanted was for you to see me as a woman but noooo."

You sway a little as a hiccup leaves your mouth, and you continue, "But it's all for the best, right? Now I've got someone else, someone better." A smile spreads across your face as you look across the crowded room to Osamu, who sends a grin back your way. You give a little wave, which almost sends you off-balance in your drunken state.

"I've found happiness elsewhere."

Atsumu stares at you, mind working a mile a minute.

You'd had a crush on him? How hadn't he noticed? How hadn't he seen you?

You looked every bit the part of a woman, decked out in a pretty dress for the party and a little bit of makeup. Yet, Atsumu had never bothered to look at you that way.

Maybe his feelings for you were sparked from the jealousy that his brother had something he didn't. How dare 'Samu take you away when you'd liked him first?

Maybe it was the rejection of your previous feelings, the knowledge that you'd moved on, even without him ever knowing you'd liked him in the first place.

As Atsumu watches you nuzzle up to his twin, giving him a peck on the lips, he feels white-hot jealousy course through his veins.

He wonders if he can get you to feel that way about him again.

Even if it hurts his brother in the process.

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