ANNOYANCE PART 2 (Futakuchi Kenji)

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Requested on my Tumblr. And this is more than a drabble than anything.

Title: Annoyance (Part 2)

Pairings: Futakuchi Kenji x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing

Summary: You've always found Futakuchi annoying, but he's only gotten worse since you caught his attention.



a thing that annoys someone; a nuisance

"That was a great first date, right?" Futakuchi asked, a smug grin spreading across his face. "I rocked your world, didn't I?"

"It was alright," you said vaguely.

"Alright?" Futakuchi spluttered, looking highly offended, "Stop being stuck up and admit it- you loved this date."

"Stuck up?" Your voice raised.

"That's not what I-" Futakuchi looked frustrated, running a hand through his hair. You had to admit, he was handsome, especially all dressed up like he was.

But God almighty, was he annoying.

The date had been nice- the restaurant he had picked was fancy, but not too expensive. He had paid the bill with a grin on his face that just begged for you to tell him how impressed you were.

It was the talk during the meal that you truly didn't like. Futakuchi was infuriating. He spent the entire time talking about how great he was and all of his accomplishments. He barely even took a breath, much less a goddamn bite of his food.

The dinner lasted forever because of his incessant yapping, but you managed to tune him out a half hour in, focusing entirely on your meal. He never once even asked if you were enjoying yourself.

"Listen, the date would have been more than 'alright' if you had just shut up about yourself," you explained.

Futakuchi opened his mouth as though to say something, then closed it again. He looked genuinely at a loss, as though he couldn't believe you truly didn't enjoy your date with him.

"Well, I have to go," you sighed, turning away from him. He grabbed your wrist.

"Where are you going? I have to drive you home."

"No, I'm just going to grab an uber. Thanks for tonight, I guess."

Futakuchi's eyes flashed and when he next spoke, it was through gritted teeth, "Why are you making this so difficult? I'm doing this for us."

"Us?" You couldn't hold back a derisive laugh, "What 'us'? There is no 'us'."

His grip on your wrist tightened until it was painful, "You threw that ball at my face, remember? You're the one who started this."

You managed to yank your wrist from his grip and glared at him, "What the hell is wrong with you? Listen, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have thrown the ball at you."

Futakuchi made another grab for your arm but you stepped out of his reach. He pulled his lips back into a sort of snarl, and glared at you, "This is your fault, so take some fucking responsibility."

You threw your hands up into the air, "I just did, you stupid asshole."

A sudden vulnerability etched its way across Futakuchi's face as he reached out for your arm once more, gentler this time, "Look...just..."

He looked up at you with watery eyes, "You don't have to love me right away, okay? I just... just please stay by my side for a while."

You hated the part of you who was a sucker for sensitivity. You nodded reluctantly, "Yeah, fine, I'll hang out with you. I'm not going to fall in love with you, but I won't abandon you either."

Futakuchi pulled you into a sudden hug. A soft smile spread across your face, until he whispered in your ear, "I knew you'd see reason."

You could practically hear the smugness in his whisper. That soft smile was long gone.

He really was an asshole, wasn't he?

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