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Pairings: Oikawa Tooru x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing, bullying, name-calling/degradation, physical violence to the reader, jealousy, delusional thought processes, referenced future non-consensual touching, Oikawa done screwed up

Summary: The classic childhood love story: boy likes girl, boy is mean to girl because he likes girl, boy matures and realizes being mean to girl is the wrong way to show your love and stops.

Well, maybe Oikawa forgot the whole "stopping" part, and he sure as hell never matured. But you make such cute sad faces when you're upset and, for God's sake, he's Oikawa Tooru, it's not like you could actually turn him down when he decides to stop teasing you.

But he's starting to think his logic might have been flawed after all. Especially when he sees that your affections are directed to the very person trying to protect you from him.



an unintended consequence occurring some time after an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.

"Oh, come on now, don't cry like that! It makes you look even uglier, you know?"

His comment only spurred your tears to fall faster. You knew you weren't looking your best right then: runny nose, puffy eyes, quivering lips... but you didn't think you were the ugliest crier in the world.

But Oikawa Tooru sure as hell made you feel like you were.

You'd known the boy since you were both eight years old, and he hadn't gotten any nicer. If anything, the years had made the heart grow crueler. When you were eight, the worst thing he'd done was pull on your pigtails a little or call you a "poopy-head".

That paled in comparison to what he did now.

Third-year-Oikawa preferred to shove you, sic his fangirls on you, spread disgusting rumors about you, hurl insults at you, and just generally make your life a living hell. Why? That's the problem.

You have no idea why he hates you.

You're left gingerly rubbing the sore spot in your stomach where the water fountain had dug in deep enough to surely leave a bruise behind. Just another purplish-blue star in the constellation that stretches across your skin. All thanks to Oikawa Tooru.

But your savior came in the form of his best friend.

Iwaizumi was always kind to you. He always gave Oikawa a bruise bigger than yours and chewed him out about his treatment towards you.

So when he punched Oikawa in the stomach, called him "Shittykawa", and asked you if you were okay, you couldn't help but smile. You felt your face heating up at his attention and a sudden bashfulness seep into your responses.

Out of the corner of your eye, you could see a genuine frown, not from the pain in his stomach, tug at Oikawa's lips, replacing the sadistic smirk from earlier. You didn't know why, but you didn't care.

Especially not when Iwaizumi was brushing your hair behind your ear and telling you that he'd do better in keeping his buddy away from you.

Oikawa didn't think your crying face was ugly at all. In fact, he thought it was adorable. Every reaction you gave him was precious to him.

But the emotions you never gave him were the positive ones. You never once smiled at his presence, laughed at his witty comments, or blushed at his subtle compliments.

Game of the Insane (Yandere Haikyuu!! x F!Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now