CONFINE (Ushijima Wakatoshi)

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A request from my Tumblr!

Title: Confine

Pairings: Ushijima x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing, a bit of misogyny, Ushijima is lowkey creepy

Summary: Ushijima would like to extend your trip to the countryside from a couple months to forever. He'd also like you by your side. Unfortunately, your preferences aren't necessary.



restrain or forbid someone from leaving (a place).

It wasn't that you didn't enjoy the city, it was more that you needed a little break from the hustle and bustle.

When you and your boyfriend broke up, you were left scrambling to find a new apartment. The best place you could afford was in very poor condition and in a shady neighborhood, and even that sapped more of your resources than it should.

The last straw that broke the camel's back was the retail company you worked at laying you off. You weren't fired or anything, you just weren't essential enough for them to keep you when they downsized for cost-cutting reasons.

As you looked at your puffy eyes in the yellowing, stained mirror, and tried to ignore the shouting of the other people in your building, you made your decision.

"Fuck it," you muttered, walking back into your bedroom and pulling out your suitcase.

"Are you sure you don't want to settle down here for a longer period of time? I know we don't have any apartments here, but you could find a small house for pretty cheap."

You smiled fondly at the woman in the driver's seat beside you, "I'm sure, mom. I'll only be here for two months. Maybe three. I'm a city gal, not a country gal."

"Fine, fine," Your mother laughed, recognizing the hint of exasperation in your voice, "Well, you are welcome to stay with us as long as you need. I talked to Okashi, my friend that works in that cute little diner, and she'd love to give you a job as a server there!"

"Just like that?" Your eyes widened. You planned to get a job, save up your earnings along with the little you had before hopping on the bus to the Miyagi Prefecture, then move back to the city, but to get a job right off the bat like this was more than surprising.

"Of course, dear, she adores you" Your mother smiled, "You met Okashi a year or two back, remember? You were surprised to see a lady my age with bright pink hair."

A mental image of a middle-aged woman with bubblegum-colored curls, shining blue eyes, and an enthusiastic way of talking. Last time you'd seen her, you were fresh out of college, and yet she'd cooed over you like you were starting your first day of school. Somehow, it wasn't too annoying, the way she did it. She was more like one of those old aunties from the movies that just want to shower you with kisses.

"If there's anything I can do to help around the-"

"Stop that talk right now!" Your mother cut you off sternly, "I already told you we're happy to have you. There's no need to work for us, it'll be a pleasure for your father and I to be able to see you."

You smiled gratefully at her before turning to look out the passenger-side window. In place of the familiar busy streets were acres of land growing a variety of crops, fences encompassing horses and cows, and little country roads. Towering skyscrapers were replaced with thick forests and fruit-filled orchards.

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