BETRAY PART 3 (Oikawa Tooru)

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Note: This is probably the last part of Betray, ngl, because I feel like 3 is a good number (it's my favorite :3) and I'm running out of ideas. I really do enjoy writing for it, but part 1 is my absolute favorite. It went in a direction I didn't plan.

(Requested on my Tumblr)

Title: Betray (Part 3)

Pairings: Oikawa x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, too many pet names, read part 2 or this doesn't make much sense, Oikawa didn't expect this uno reverse card

Summary: You and Shun have a lot to say about Oikawa's plan.



be disloyal to.

This wasn't supposed to happen. It wasn't supposed to go this way.

You were supposed to be on his side, condemning Shun's selfish actions and agreeing with your husband for once in your life!

And Oikawa Tooru was not supposed to be seething behind his placating smile and stumbling over words meant to smooth over such an unforeseen disaster. His narrowed chocolate eyes met Shun's watery ones and he seethes even more because he just can't be mad at his son.

You were still ranting away and Oikawa would find it hot if your rage wasn't aimed at him. Especially when he did nothing wrong! Well, nothing really.

He had anticipated Shun's reaction fully. He doubted the spoiled teen would be thrilled with his father's decision, especially when he was just as obsessed with you. Oikawa honestly thought it would get him bonus points when Shun insulted the let-down girl when he was complaining to you about what happened.

But instead of admonishing Shun, instead of insisting that he accept that poor, abandoned girl's last chance at a happy prom, instead of taking Oikawa's side in any way, you flipped out. At him.

You were angry that he'd pushed something onto Shun, especially something that you both knew he'd hate, and you were making that well known right now.

"...and you completely ignored his feelings and did it anyway! Do you not have any empathy at all? Did you seriously not see how this could affect him?"

Oikawa had been impatiently waiting for the moment you'd draw breath and he seized it immediately, turning on the charm he'd been saving up.

"You're right, honey, and I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking at all! I was just a little worried that Shun might be a little..." he feigned hesitance, "too attached to you."

Oikawa watched, victorious, as you froze, your eyes subconsciously darting to your crying son who clung to you like a koala. You were suddenly shrinking in on yourself, eyes a little too wide and dilated to look normal, your breathing quickening a little.

You never did like to face reality, did you?

"Face it, Shun's turning out like me. Do you really want two of us harassing you until the day you die or just one?" Oikawa was going out on a limb, hoping that you would be too overwhelmed to disagree, "Let Shun leave the nest or you'll make it worse for everyone involved, especially yourself."

You were hyperventilating, no doubt reliving terrible memories he was ashamed to have once put you through. Your hand clutched at your shirt as though it were suffocating you and Oikawa pulled you close, wrenching Shun's insistent hands from your sleeve despite his protests.

"It's alright, baby, let it out," Oikawa cooed as you began to cry, "You're alright, princess, you're alright."

He could see Shun glaring at him but he simply smiled in response, cradling you even closer.

"Shun's going to learn his place in the world before he becomes an adult, and you..."

He lowered his mouth to your ear and blew a puff of air into it before continuing.

"You are going to learn your place here too."

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