CHANGE (Oikawa Tooru)

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Title: Change

Pairings: Oikawa Tooru x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes

Summary: You don't like your new look, but it's gotten you so much attention. Do you really have to choose between your old look and your happiness?



make (someone or something) different; alter or modify:

You looked in the mirror, stunned by your reflection. Your glasses were gone, the contacts in your eyes being the only reason you could see that fact in the first place. But besides that, your hair had been swept back in a pretty bun with a braid on either side of your head and just a couple locks of hair fashionably left down. Your skin looked flawless, thanks to the makeup. You could thank the makeup too for the way your face looked so much more mature and alluring.

Your wardrobe had undergone a great change as well. Since your college didn't have a uniform or strict dress code, you'd put on a short white dress with black stripes and a belt around the waist. A fake diamond necklace laid across your collarbone, perfectly matching the bracelet clasped around your wrist. Even your feet were squeezed into a pair of fashionable black slips.

You turned back to your friend in awe, "You're a miracle worker!"

Your friend laughed, but it was nothing short of the truth. Before this, your hair was always left down, hanging over your glasses-adorned, lightly pimpled face. You never wore a dab of makeup and your clothes usually amounted to an oversized T-shirt, faded jeans, and ratty sneakers. You didn't put any care into your appearance. Until now, that is.

"You'll have to keep this up on your own, now that you know how," your friend reminded you, wagging a warning finger at you, "But this will totally grab Oikawa's attention! You'll be his girlfriend by the end of the week!"

You were turning heads from the moment you walked through the school doors. How could you not? You were a gorgeous girl accentuated with the latest fashions and professionally done makeup. All you had to do was bat your long, fake eyelashes and guys would throw themselves at your feet.

Your friend was right. You'd caught Oikawa's attention very quickly, and soon enough, he was blowing away the sudden competition by offering to carry your lunch tray and walk you home.

The attention flustered you and made you so happy, but a small part of you felt sad. He'd never noticed you before. But that was the point of this makeover, right? To get him to finally look your way?

When Oikawa had asked you to meet him by the fountain in the courtyard, you knew exactly what he was going to ask you. You pretended to be surprised anyway, completely shocked and honored by the question.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

From that moment on, you were the school's power couple. Everyone regarded you with awe or jealousy. "Oikawa and (Y/n)" became synonymous with "popular" and all of his friends, the people you'd looked at with envy not long ago, welcomed you to their table and inner circles.

But as time went on, you felt yourself drifting away. Oikawa always talked about appearances and critiqued you whenever your hair or makeup wasn't perfectly in place.

It felt fake.

Your makeup, your sense of style, your relationship, everything felt so unbearably fake.

Like you were no longer yourself.

Every time you looked in the mirror, your heart sank. You didn't even recognize yourself anymore. Being perfect had somehow become something that you despised.

But whenever you brought up wearing your glasses again or dressing down, Oikawa wouldn't hear of it. "What would everyone think of that?" "You have to look your best." "We're a power couple, sweetheart, we don't wear things like glasses, okay?"

The stress began to tug at you until you could take it no longer. One look in the mirror on a fateful Monday morning that already hadn't been going well and you were done.

You had to be true to yourself, even if that meant no longer being "perfect" or popular. Even if it meant losing Oikawa, who didn't even feel like a boyfriend. More like a costar on a filming set.

That was a good way to put it- your life had become a movie and you were just an actress putting on a show. Caked in makeup and forcing a smile.

Dear Oikawa,

I can't do this anymore. I want to go back to the way things were before we started dating. I know we already talked about how that won't work for you, so I understand that means we're breaking up. I'm sorry, but I think this is best for me.



It felt good to undo the bun and braids. It felt even better to slide your glasses up your nose and slip on a simple, comfy T-shirt. Nostalgic might be the best word for what you were feeling, but either way, you were more comfortable than you had been in months. Why had you ever given this up?

You looked in the mirror and smiled. You'd washed off all of the makeup, revealing more than a few blemishes, but you didn't care. You liked the way you looked and you'd be damned if you went back to drawing on your face every morning.

It was strange walking into school that morning. It was like you'd become invisible. No longer did people turn their heads to look at you, nor did you walk alongside Oikawa. But it didn't feel lonely. What was the point of having a boyfriend when it was just for appearances? You'd always felt like there were miles between you both- as though you couldn't reach him even with your fingers intertwined.

Your first class was with Oikawa and you weren't looking forward to it. He might be mad, after all, that his "power couple girlfriend" dumped him and went back to looking nerdy. You chose your old seat, one near the front of the class, instead of the back row where all the "cool people" sat.

When Oikawa entered the classroom, he stopped dead in his tracks, staring at you as though he couldn't believe it. You couldn't blame him- you looked completely different than he was used to. You were actually surprised he even noticed you.

He walked closer and you shrank into your seat a little, not looking forward to a confrontation. But to your shock, he slid into the seat next to you, dropping his backpack on the floor and pulling his stuff out of it, settling into the desk as though he'd always sat there.

"What are you doing?" You blurted out.

When Oikawa turned to you, he studied you with great interest, as though you were an art piece in a museum. There was a tinge of pink on his cheeks, something he'd never had when the two of you were dating.

"Aren't you just the cutest thing?" Oikawa crooned, reaching a hand out to your face.

You jerked away, startled and confused. What was with this sudden change in behavior?

"You know, you never really officially broke up with me," Oikawa shrugged, a creepy, possessive grin curling across his lips, "And even if you did..."

He turned to you, eyes dark with something you couldn't place. Something that chilled you to the bone.

"I wouldn't accept it."

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