RESISTANCE (Hinata Shoyo

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This was a request from Quotev.

This reads a little like a crack fic but I swear it's serious adsgfdf

Title: Resistance

Pairings: Hinata x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing, minor violence, forced cuddling, Hinata calm tf down

Summary: Hinata wants to cuddle and enjoy the day with his favorite person! You don't.



the refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.

"(Y/n)! Where are you?"

Hinata's voice comes out in a loud whine, as though he's truly disappointed by your defiance.

He expected you to greet him in the evening, when he came back from volleyball practice or a big game. He expected you to watch his games on TV and tell him how amazing his spikes were when he walked through that damned front door.

As if.

You weren't the type to hide from your captor, your attitude even more fiery than the color of his hair. Today though? You didn't feel like dealing with his suffocating hugs and constant cuddling. His team had lost their game today and you had no intention of being some sort of comfort doll for him to cling onto and drag around the house every time he had to move.

You could hear him opening cabinets in the kitchen and almost laughed when you pictured yourself trying to fit in those tiny little drawers. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, to put it lightly.

"(Y/n)!" He was calling for you now, voice edged with worry. If he thought you'd escaped, he was, unfortunately, mistaken. There was no way to get out of a house so expertly locked like this one.

You sat on your shared bed, waiting for him to finally get a clue and check the bedroom. You may not put any effort in hiding, but you weren't going down without a fight. Not if your handy broomstick had a say.

Plus, if this failed, he'd take away the brooms and you wouldn't be expected to pick up that "chore" anymore. Fuck sweeping.

Steps on the stairs. You got to your feet and bristled, knuckles paling as you gripped the broom handle so tight you were concerned it might snap in half.

The bedroom door creaked open just a crack, Hinata's dark eyes peeking through to see if you were hiding inside. You raised the broom with a war cry and charged.


The broom hit the now-closed door fruitlessly and you let out a frustrated screech.

"(Y/n), it's okay, it's just me!" If Hinata thought those words were soothing, he was sorely mistaken.

"Go away!"

Silence for just a moment, before, "Are you on your period?"

"Shut the fuck up!" You screamed, pure fury driving you to whack the broom against the closed door a few times in childish response. Hinata only sighed in response.

You knew he was stuck- he couldn't come inside or you'd bash his head in, but he also had zero patience. He'd probably wait a while before trying to take you by surprise...

You flung the door open and ambushed him with another war screech. His eyes widened in surprise, but he sidestepped you easily and grabbed the handle of the broom as it slammed down where he'd once been.

The two of you tugged on either side of the broom with all of your strengths, but it was clear from the beginning that Hinata, the trained athlete, was going to win this round. You let go suddenly, causing him to fall backwards onto the ground, still clutching the broom.

You thought you were above hiding, but desperate times do call for desperate measures.

Your heart pounds in your ears as you clamor down the stairs, Hinata's cries for you to stop muffled by your panic-filled thoughts. The house you'd stayed in for nearly a year now was suddenly unfamiliar and much too big and small at the same time. You felt woozy.

His footsteps are heavy on the floorboards behind you, but you couldn't stop running if you wanted to. You don't want to be a prisoner anymore, but, if you can't escape this house, maybe you could escape his smothering affection for just one day.

There will come a time when you'll be too tired to outrun him, but, thankfully, it's not now.

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