ABASHED (Oikawa Tooru)

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Requested on my Tumblr. Also I have like one or two Quotev chapters I haven't uploaded here still oops.

I'm so sorry for how short and terrible this is. ;-; I swear my one-shots are just going downhill at this point.

Also don't be embarrassed by what you do and don't like everyone this is just a story adfsfdghfjhhg.

Title: Abashed

Pairings: Oikawa x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, heavy degradation (but reader is into it), masochist reader, jealousy, physical harm towards the reader, bullying, suggestive content, reader is a little embarrassed by their kink, Oikawa doesn't take well to competition

Summary: A masochist and a bully- a stereotypical match made in heaven. Only, you're not about to tell anyone you enjoy it and your bully is a little more possessive over you than he has any right to be.



embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed.

If there's anyone you should've hated in life it was Oikawa Tooru. You should hate him, despise him. You should loathe his existence and avoid him like your life depended on it.

He seemed to be unable to resist the temptation to hurt you. Perhaps he was a sadist or maybe he just wanted someone to take some of his anger out on. His interactions with you ranged from you being referred to as "a slut" to limping away with new bruises stretching across your stomach. Whether he was dumping milk on your head, insulting you, or flat out beating you up, it was obvious that Oikawa should be your least favorite person on the planet.

You should hate him.

But you don't.

"How does it feel being so utterly helpless and useless?" Oikawa's voice assaulted your ears from somewhere above. You couldn't see him with your face pressed so close to the gym floor, his sneaker placed on the back of your skull if only to force you closer to that dirty surface.

Anyone else in your position might be crying or struggling against his cruel torment. They might have fought back or told him off for his behavior. They might have even thrown a punch or two.

But you? It was all you could do to focus on keeping the blood from rushing to your face and the heat from pooling in your gut.

For some reason- a reason you hated with all your heart- you enjoyed being treated this way. Something about being at someone else's mercy... something about being degraded like you were worth nothing more than a speck of dust...

Well, it turned you on like nothing else.

And while there were plenty of fangirls that wouldn't mind taking your place and some who would kill to do so, it wasn't the fact that your tormentor was Oikawa that you were always left a hot and bothered mess in his wake. Although you'd never breathe a word about how much you enjoyed that treatment to anyone.

It was embarrassing- to be treated so badly in front of everyone without fighting back- to be utterly humiliated in front of your classmates- and to enjoy it. To crave it. To almost look forward to seeing that brown-haired bully every goddamn day.

"What? No response? I thought you liked using that big mouth of yours." Oikawa's words still reached your ears, even in your hazy state. You wondered what you looked like from his perspective.

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