DESIRE (Hinata Shoyo)

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A request from my Tumblr.

Title: Desire

Pairings: Hinata x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, Hinata calm boy

Summary: Hinata figures out that you're into yanderes, and it's all downhill from there.



a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.

The trouble first started when you left your phone unattended.

Can you really expect someone that loves you so deeply to leave such a valuable gold mine of information just lying there?

Hinata took his opportunity without a second thought- scooping up your phone eagerly and practically bouncing away to look through it in private.

He had to be quick or else you would come back looking for your phone and he'd have to find a way to get it back to you without acting suspicious, and that would be a real pain. Trembling with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, he memorized all of the apps you had on your phone, checked your YouTube history, and, finally, opened up your internet browser.


Hinata learned so, so much about you through your history, but his favorite information came from the stories you read. He hadn't known what "yandere" was before, but, boy, did he learn.

Was this the kind of thing you liked? He already fit the description of many of that yanderes that you read about, but he could go farther, if you wanted.

He returned your phone to where you'd left it, watched until you found it, and walked home alone, thinking of what changes he'd need to make to make you love him even more than you already might. After all, maybe this was all a cry for his attention, looking up stories about people like him and not erasing your history!

Hinata makes changes, big changes. He's not sure he can stomach murder, but he could break into your house at night if you wanted him to do so. After all, that's what the people in your reading material do.

The stalking time increases and Hinata's honestly very glad you indirectly gave him the go-ahead. Spending time with you was way better than being alone.

The stories also gave him plenty of new ideas. Now, he has a whole shrine dedicated to you and he's taken at least a thousand photographs of you doing a variety of things! He collects the items you lose (which is a lot) and sometimes takes things directly from your home.

You worriedly text and call your friends and parents, telling them that you're sure someone's stalking you, but Hinata knows better. You're just putting up a front, role-playing a bit. Just like the victims in the stories you were reading!

One day, he'll have you chained up tight in his house for the rest of both of your lives, ready to be his precious soulmate for eternity. And maybe you'll pretend to scream and fight against the chains or act like you'll run away.

Just like in the stories you've read.

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