LESSON (Oikawa Tooru)

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Title: Lesson

Pairings: Oikawa Tooru x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, teacher-student "relationship" (one-sided)

Summary: Oikawa isn't your model student, to put it lightly. But extra lessons may prove to be your worst mistake yet.



a period of learning or teaching.

"Seriously, you've been teaching our class for half the year, and the only Spanish word I've learned so far is 'bonjour'!"

Familiar raucous laughter broke out among the third years, a couple of boys even giving high fives to their class clown. You had to bite back your frustration and keep your fake smile glued in place because that's what teachers do.

You didn't bother correcting him. Even if Oikawa was failing your class, you at least knew that he knew "bonjour" wasn't Spanish. It was just him acting up again, like always.

Impatiently, you waited for the laughter to die down, before you continued your lesson, acting like he'd never interrupted in the first place. But Oikawa is quick to speak up again, placing verb conjugations on the sidelines once more.

"No one cares that 'jugar'..." you winced at the hard "j" in his pronunciation, "means juice, Teach'." It didn't. You wanted to scream.

That smug smile on his face as a chorus of girls giggled behind him made you lose your cool.

"Just because you're failing this class, Oikawa, doesn't mean you can take everyone else down with you."

Whoops. That slipped out. You probably shouldn't be so harsh to a student, but the chorus of "oooh"s made you bite back a grin.

Oikawa's smug smile had vanished and been replaced with something akin to a pout, "Maybe you should do your job and help me not fail your class. A student failing looks much worse on the teacher, doesn't it?"

You wanted to explain that everyone else was passing so, no, it'd look worse on him as a student. You wanted to explain that you were doing your job and he was the one making it hard for you to do so.

But he had a good point. You hadn't thought of tutoring him before.

Maybe... maybe all this acting out was because he was insecure about his troubles learning Spanish. Maybe if he was doing better in the class, he'd shut that obnoxious mouth of his.

You'd talked to the other teachers about him and they all said the same. "He's a good kid. Quiet, respectful, and a quick learner."

Perhaps he was frustrated because this was the one class he couldn't catch on to. Maybe, if he had a nudge in the right direction, he'd be that quiet, respectful student every other teacher saw in him.

"We'll talk about it after class." You said simply, before continuing on.

It concerned you a little that his smile was so victorious.

Oikawa was finally quieter for the rest of class, though there wasn't much left of it. Afterwards, he came up to your desk almost shyly to discuss tutoring. You couldn't use the classroom, since it turned into a club room after classes, nor could you use the library, since it was for students only and you had to be silent there.

"I have volleyball practice and, after that, my parents expect me to be at home, so I can't go over to your house." Oikawa played the part of looking sad and innocent, hoping you'd come to the right conclusion on your own.

"Would your parents mind if I came over to your house?"

There's the money.

"I'll ask them, but I'm sure that's fine," Oikawa gushed, "Thank you, Teach', I really mean it."

Play the part. Draw her in.

You smiled, genuinely. Not like those fake smiles you plaster on your face all the time, "I hope this will help, Oikawa."

He flashes his teeth at her, hopefully dazzling her with his smile, "I think it will."

After school, you headed to the address Oikawa had given you. The house was nice, but smaller than you had expected for a family to live in. You had taught his sister a few years earlier, but perhaps she had moved out by now.

You knocked on the door, and it opened on its own. Immediately, you got horror movie vibes and almost took a step back.

"It's open!" You could hear Oikawa's voice echo through the empty house. You stepped inside, noting that it was very dimly lit.

It was only after you'd thought "I wonder why there weren't any cars in the driveway? Are his parents even home or did he lie to me?" that the door slammed shut behind you, electronically locking with a thunderous clicking sound.

Instinctually, you threw yourself at the door, desperately trying to open it to no avail. The footsteps that sounded behind you only renewed your panicked efforts.

Finally, when the footsteps were too close for comfort, you spun around, ready to fight. Oikawa stood a little ways in front of you, smirking as he twirled a remote in his hand.

"Welcome home, Teach'."

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