VENERATION (Kozume Kenma)

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Pairings: Kenma x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing, spoilers for Kenma's timeskip (Kinda? I don't even know much about the timeskip ngl), Reader is NOT a yandere (she is obsessed with Kenma as a celebrity crush sort of thing), mention of like one inappropriate thing that's in a popular game but not detailed(?), Kenma is a bigger fan of you tbh

Summary: When you catch the attention of a famous YouTuber, you think that you're the luckiest person in the world. Little do you know, you caught his attention long ago. And his obsession is a lot darker than yours.



respect or awe inspired by the dignity, wisdom, dedication, or talent of a person

Koduzen's chat was a blur of movement and impossible-to read comments. It always was when he streamed, even with slowmode on and automatic filtering of spam. He was immensely popular, his channel having grown exponentially in a short amount of time.

You had been his subscriber for over a year now, not that it mattered if you ever said "I've been here since before he was popular". Still, your adoration for him hadn't changed in the slightest, if not only increased.

He had inspired you to make your own YouTube channel, but it was cringy and rarely got more than 10 views. You often considered deleting the videos, but left them up anyway. There was something about taking down things you worked hard on that you couldn't bring yourself to do. No matter how cringy it was, you still made the videos and worked hard on them.

And so your channel sat, dead and on permanent hiatus. Not that any of your very few viewers cared.

Today, Koduzen was playing a game you'd heard of, but never seen before today. "Yandere Simulator", a strange, violent game. You were a couple minutes late to the stream, one of your classes running a little later than normal but you didn't seem to have missed much. In fact, within the minute you slipped on your headphones and focused on the screen, Koduzen finished the idle chat to his viewers and started the game. Perfect timing!

You, like everyone else watching the stream, made plenty of comments, hoping to be the literal one in a million that Koduzen noticed in the comments. As the famous YouTuber tested out the game, seemingly happy with the weapons and disgusted by the panty shots he was expected to take, you sent out a quick sentence in the chat.

"Glad to see a guy who's got morals LOL"

His calm voice played through your speakers, like he was talking to you in-person, as he read your comment out loud. Your heart drummed against your rib cage and heat spread across your face.

"I'm glad to see a girl that appreciates me, Kodu[Y/n]."

You cringed at your embarrassing username, but swooned at the rest of his sentence, his words swirling in your head on repeat.

"I notice your channel has a lot of CS:GO on it, you should send me an invite and I'll join your party sometime."

Your heart practically exploded and you giggled in a way you'd never thought you could, squeezing your arms to your chest in pure glee. You felt like this had to be some sort of dream, but you hadn't even gotten to your bed yet.

When Koduzen ended his stream, thankfully he always ended them just before the time you always slept, you climbed into your bed, too giddy to sleep. You chose instead to stare at the ceiling with a goofy grin, until your daydreams of playing games with him merged into actual dreams.

Game of the Insane (Yandere Haikyuu!! x F!Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now