IT'S NOT LIKE I LIKE YOU (Kageyama Tobio)

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Couldn't resist this song. Requested on my Tumblr.

I wasn't really sure how to write a tsundere reader, but I did my best- she turned out kind of mean ;-;

Title: It's Not Like I Like You

Pairings: Kageyama Tobio x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, tsundere reader, swearing, insults to reader, reader gets drunk

Summary: It's not easy to love a tsundere, but Kageyama does just a little too much.

"Hey! I can kick your butt even in this dress!

Ugh! I digress! So let's just go to the park I guess

Pff, you wouldn't even know what to bring

Oh, come on, will you please just say yes?"

-From "It's Not Like I Like You!!" by Static-P

"You think I'd be impressed by something like this?" You asked with an upturned nose.

The poor guy confessing to you looked down at the bouquet of roses in his hands as though they had betrayed him, "But your cheeks are flushed-"

"You think some lousy flowers are enough to get a girl? Get real!" You stamped your foot, rubbing at your cheeks furiously, "And they aren't flushed, it's your imagination."

"You know what?" The boy glared at you, "You're kind of a bitch."

A look of hurt flashed across your face, before the mask rose once more, "I couldn't care less about what you think of me."

"Whatever," the boy snapped, throwing the flowers on the ground and storming away.

You stood there for a moment, looking down at the roses. Finally, you wrinkled your nose and strode away.

Kageyama watched it all from behind a tree. He pulled out his notebook and wrote down "doesn't like flowers". The notebook was filled with notes on what you did and didn't like. The "doesn't like" list was much longer than the "does like" list, since you rarely accepted anything except from your friends.

Kageyama knew that you had a secret soft side that you were trying desperately to cover up. More than anything else in the world, he wanted to have that side all to himself.

You were beautiful, so you had no shortage of boys wanting to ask you out. You turned them all down, but Kageyama could tell that, deep down, you were flustered by their confessions. To the untrained eye, you seemed heartless, but he knew the truth.

You were just scared, weren't you?

Kageyama was sure he could take good care of you- give you exactly what you wanted. However, he knew if he asked you out, you'd turn him down like everyone else.

You were only friends with other girls, so he couldn't hope to slip into your life as a friend. It was frustrating to watch from the outside, especially with Hinata and Tsukishima making jokes about his hopeless crush during volleyball practice.

The rejected boy had disappeared and you were finally on your way home. Kageyama knew the way, but he trailed behind you as though it was the first time he had followed you home. You popped in some earbuds and began to listen to music. Kageyama put one of his own in, pretending like he was listening to the same music as you were (it was a copy of your playlist, at least), but left one of his ears free. He needed to be alert.

You were so oblivious to the fact that you were being followed home. You never even looked back when you slipped into your house and went up to your bedroom. Kageyama climbed the tree near your window and watched as you lay down on your bed, pulling out your phone and messing around on it.

His eyes softened. He liked to see you like this, relaxing in your natural habitat. No more raising walls and putting on masks- just you.

He wouldn't have expected himself to become like this- a lovesick stalker. He wasn't the type.

But maybe his cool exterior was hiding something too, you know.


Kageyama wasn't the type to go to parties, but this one was specifically thrown for the volleyball team, so he was expected to be there.

Then again, he didn't think you were the type to go to parties either, and here you were, drinking the punch like you needed it more than air. Kageyama could overhear you talking to your friends.

"It's not like I wanted to go," you hiccuped, "I just came so you guys wouldn't be alone."

Your friends exchanged looks, "Suuure, and you definitely weren't grinning like an idiot on the way here."

You turned away and crossed your arms, refusing to dignify your friends with an answer. They burst out laughing and, with flushed cheeks, you giggled along.

It was cute. You were cute.

Kageyama grabbed a cup of punch and downed it. He needed liquid courage to approach you.

Before his eyes, you grew tipsier and tipsier. To Kageyama's fury, another guy approached you. He couldn't tell what was being said, but your friends left to give you two privacy. He could see you mouth something before the boy grabbed your arm and started to drag you away. Fear flashed in your eyes as you let out a whimper.

Kageyama seized the guy's arm and twisted it until he released you with a cry of pain. He looked ready to say something until he met Kageyama's gaze.

The tall setter's eyes were like ice and his glare burned holes into the smaller boy. The boy backed away and disappeared into the crowd. Kageyama glared after him before turning back to you.

He was surprised to see tears running down your cheeks, despite your protests, "I didn't n-need your help, I had it under c-control."

Kageyama shrugged, still looking down at you. You were trying so hard to keep your walls and mask up, even though it was just you and him. Didn't you know you didn't have to pretend with him?

You averted your gaze, "But thank you. I mean, I guess."

A small smile spread across Kageyama's lips. For now, that was enough.

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