Christmas Special Headcanons - Blizzard with Nishinoya

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🥶 You were doing a project with your classmate Nishinoya at his house. The two of you weren't partnered up or anything, but you figured two heads were better than one!

🥶 You were wrong.

🥶 It wasn't so much that Nishinoya was stupid, even though he definitely wasn't the brightest, but it was the problem of getting him to focus. He would rather make you laugh than get anything done, and it was hard to get him to stop when you couldn't halt your own laughter.

🥶 The project was dragging on and on and you were getting worried.

🥶 "Noya, I really have to get going if we aren't going to get anything done! The weather channel said the weather might get really bad tonight and I don't want to get stuck out there."

🥶 "Just one last section! I'll pay attention this time, I promise!"

🥶 The first section of the project seemed to take forever, but Nishinoya seemed to need so much help with it that you couldn't let him down.

🥶 One section turned into two. Which turned into three...

🥶 Noya whined when you went to pick up your things and stuff them in your backpack. But when you opened the door, you realized you wouldn't be going anywhere. Not when that "bad weather" the forecasters predicted had just started.

🥶 You felt half-frozen even under all your layers and the snow was already piled to your knees. There's no way you'd get your car out and- oh- there goes your hat- swept away by the violent wind swirling with snow.

🥶 "Uh oh, a blizzard!" Your friend sounded way too happy... way too smug about his observation, "I guess the weather channel was right!"

🥶 You sighed and sat down on Noya's couch, apologizing for the fact that you'd be forced to stay at his house. He just smiled and reassured you that it was fine. Not your fault.

🥶 That this would be fun.

🥶 And for him, tonight would definitely be fun. For you? Not so much.

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