Routine (Akaashi and Bokuto)

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Title: Routine

Pairings: Akaashi Keiji x Reader; Bokuto Koutarou x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, reader has thalassophobia

Summary: Akaashi and Bokuto have picked out the perfect place for you to live. Too bad you don't agree...



a sequence of actions regularly followed.

You were a creature of habit.

You went to work and left when your shift was over. You visited a coffee place before and after work, but you never got coffee there. On Saturdays and Sundays, you spent a good chunk of your time there too, sipping away at a hot chocolate while music blared through your earbuds and you settled into your latest manga.

You also spent a lot of time at home, often doing the same things as you did at the coffee shop. Playing music while you cleaned and cooked, and curling up on the couch to read your manga. You were a homebody, but you enjoyed your time outside too.

You went shopping on Sundays and ate out on Saturdays. A little treat for how hard you worked during the week, no doubt. You got gas the moment your car started getting low and you cleaned frequently.

You liked to wear dresses and makeup, but not too much. Your dresses were nothing too fancy, almost casual and your makeup was light and natural.

You were fond of routines and anyone who knew yours could find you easily.

Stalk you easily.

Seriously, you made it way too easy for two people in particular to follow you around and watch you. Learn all the things that made you you. They knew everything mentioned and more.

Akaashi and Bokuto were best friends and shared many of the same interests- the most intense of which included you. They loved you deeply, but they didn't know how to approach you with an offer like "date both of us, please". It just wouldn't work out.

Bokuto would overwhelm you, Akaashi was sure of that. And Akaashi would underwhelm you, as Bokuto liked to say. They were the unlikeliest of friends and even more so, potential romantic partners. There was no way you'd fall for either of them, much less both.

So they followed you.

At first, they had convinced themselves that, if they just got to know you, they could woo you easily. Pretend to have all the same interests and bam! You'd be one happy throuple.

They could claim to like all the mangas they'd seen you read. Claim to love that cozy little coffee shop where they, too, get hot chocolate. Claim to have the same taste in music.

But wouldn't that be creepy? They realized that too. Akaashi could be subtle, sure, but Bokuto was not a good actor by any means. Too eager to please, they both knew too well.

Their minds turned to kidnapping a little too quickly. But, after all, they were stalking you. It was the logical next step for them both.

It'd be easy to sweep you away, considering how strictly you followed your routine and the fact that you lived alone. But there was the worry that they would have to keep you locked up, constantly worrying about being put behind bars and keeping you from becoming depressed.

They had an idea or, rather, Akaashi had an idea and Bokuto agreed. It was an awful, cruel idea.

But to them, it was a necessary one.

When you next woke up, you'd be in an unfamiliar bedroom in an equally strange house with even stranger men. You'd be frightened, sure, but you'd soon find it was easy to escape. They wouldn't stand for keeping you locked or chained up, after all.

While escaping their house was easy, escaping their small private island was not.

When you stared at the vast ocean, face drained of all blood, and swaying unsteadily, you end up looking back at the two men who casually followed you outside, wondering if they knew that you were deathly afraid of the ocean. That you'd never dare try to cross it or so much as wade your toes in it.

Only to be met with smug, knowing grins.

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