UNREQUITED (Kuroo Tetsurou)

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Requested on Tumblr! Context: Requester asked for a "Lesbian! Reader x Yandere! Kuroo" where Kuroo sleeps with the reader's crush

Title: Unrequited

Pairings: Kuroo x Reader; slight Kaori x Reader (non-Yandere)

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, lesbian reader, swearing, violence towards the reader (one time), mentions of past sex (consensual + not with reader), suggestive language/jokes related to the previous warning, Kuroo is a delusional sleazebag

Summary: Kuroo has been by your side since you were both little kids and he's loved you for years. Yet, you'd rather chase after girls than return the affection of the only person that's always been there for you. This time around, it may be necessary for him to take a few steps over the line to make you finally see reason.



(of a feeling, especially love) not returned or rewarded.

"She's just so pretty!" You gushed, recalling the events earlier that day, "I can't believe my luck- running into her in that dress shop- trying on her dress..."

Your best friend, Kuroo, stared at you, face unusually impassive. He turned his head, hiding his expression, before he asked cooly, "Oh, are you still into her?"

"My feelings haven't changed," you giggled, "But I do think one thing."

"What's that?" Kuroo's eyes met yours, interested.

"I think I'm just a lesbian. Like, not bisexual or anything."

Kuroo's smile was strained, "Oh, you're not into guys? Like, at all?"

"I've never been interested in any male. Never found any attractive or wanted to be in a relationship with one, you know?"

"Yeah." Kuroo's response was short, almost harsh. His eyebrows were drawn together and his lips were pursed into something like a grimace.

You leaned in, worried, "Are you okay?"

Your best friend flashed you a toothy grin, looking much more like his easy going self, "Yeah, just got a headache. Sorry to worry you."

"Aww, I'm sorry! Take some pain meds, okay?" You frowned, before continuing your earlier thought, "Do you think I should ask her to the dance?"

Your dark-haired friend made a noncommittal grunt and leaned back, balancing precariously on the back legs of your desk chair. "Do you even know if she's, y'know, a lesbian or anything?"

You nodded, head bobbing enthusiastically, "She said she's bisexual."

Kuroo snorted, "How the hell do you know that? You've never even talked to her!"

"I- I'm trying!" You squealed, face darkening as you pouted playfully, "I heard her talking about it with her friend."

Kuroo raised one black eyebrow, eyeing you teasingly, "Oh, my little (Y/n)'s a stalker now?"

"What?! No!" You shrieked, covering your face with your hands.

Your best friend's boisterous laughter was enough to reassure you that he was merely teasing you, not seriously accusing you of stalking Kaori. You nibbled on your bottom lip, your mind wandering back to the beautiful girl you had a crush on. Would you really be able to ask her to the dance in a couple of months?

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