HARMLESS (Lev Haiba)

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A request from Quotev. Can I just say I'm on a ROLL?

Title: Harmless

Pairings: Lev x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, Lev is fluffy af

Summary: Lev couldn't hurt a fly, so why are you avoiding him?



not able or likely to cause harm.

You're really just too cute for your own good.

Your skin is so soft and perfect for stroking. Your hair is so beautiful and fun to play with. You're the perfect height and have the most adorable little face that makes the cutest expressions.

How can you expect anyone, especially a guy as fixated on you as Lev, to ever leave you alone?

He's entirely enamored with your cuteness, to the point that he can't focus on anything else when you're around.

It's impossible to be intimidated by Lev, despite his towering height and catlike eyes. He's like an oversized puppy. Surely, he's too innocent to suspect of anything wrong at all, too oblivious to plan anything nefarious.

And maybe that's true. After all, Lev's intentions are nothing but harmless. The obsession that consumes him isn't really his fault, he reasons, and it's not hurting anyone, not even you.

Sure, it's a little annoying to have him poking at your cheeks and nose every few minutes or wrapping his insanely long arms around you so that you can't escape his smothering affection, but it's not anything bad.

It's not like he gets jealous of other guys or anything, as long as he has you within arms' reach (which is easy, considering it's him). He's not violent or threatening in any way (you couldn't even picture him doing anything like that!)

He's harmless, so what's the problem? Why do you shy away from his touches when he'd never hurt you? Why do you avoid him when he'd give you all the affection you could possibly need.

He'll try harder and harder to prove that he's harmless to you. That you can trust him. That he's really nothing but fluff under his strength.

Just give in. What's the worry? No harm done.

After all, even the most harmless person in the world can turn into a monster if you push him hard enough.

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