DISCIPLINE (Nishinoya and Tanaka)

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Requested on my Quotev.

Note: I don't know a lot about military schools and the two seem kind of ooc in this one.

Title: Discipline

Pairings: Tanaka Ryuunosuke x Reader; Nishinoya Yuu x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes

Summary: Tanaka and Nishinoya's pranks land them in military school, but that's alright, because you're there.



train (someone) to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience:

It had been a harmless prank. How were they to know that the school's statue was so fragile?

It was the last straw for the school after the constant influx of pranks Tanaka and Nishinoya had pulled. Putting the teachers' supplies in jell-o, putting buckets of water on the tops of doors, and so on.

The duo was expelled and their parents, at the end of their rope, enrolled them both in an all-boys military school. The two thought it would be the worst experience of their life.

But then they met you.


Nishinoya elbowed Tanaka in the ribs and pointed across the cafeteria. "This is an all-boys school right? Why's there a girl here?"

Tanaka followed his friend's gaze and spotted a pretty girl sitting at her own table, eating her lunch alone. He raised an eyebrow, "I don't know. Why don't we ask her?"

Nishinoya nodded eagerly, excited to talk to a girl in a place where they thought they wouldn't get to see one.

The pair walked across the cafeteria and stopped in front of your table. Nishinoya placed his tray down in front of you and grinned at you.

"What brings you to an all-boys school?" Tanaka asked casually. He felt a blush start to spread across his cheeks. You were even more beautiful up close and he was such a sucker for pretty girls.

"The general is my father," you supplied, "so I'm here all day. It's pretty cliche to be the only girl in an all-boys school, right? Sounds like a gacha video or Wattpad story."

Nishinoya laughed, loving your sense of humor already. "I guess we're pretty lucky guys, getting to share a school with you."

You frowned, "Listen, I'm used to guys hitting on me. I'm the only target here, after all. Remember this: I'm not here to entertain you."

Tanaka was surprised by the change in attitude, but he supposed it must get tiring to be flirted with all the time. "Sorry, we didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"It's alright." Your expression softened again and Tanaka felt himself swoon a little internally. From the figurative hearts in Nishinoya's eyes, he could tell he felt the same.

Lunch ended all too soon and you left for your next class, one that you didn't share with them. Nishinoya gave Tanaka a look that clearly said "We're talking about her later".

All Tanaka could do was nod. Lunch and after school was the only time they were allowed to talk. They now had to be completely silent unless called on. What a miserable place.


"She's so gorgeous! Like a goddess!" Nishinoya gushed.

"Plus she's funny and sweet." Tanaka added on, feeling a flutter in his heart.

Nishinoya nodded, "I don't just like her because she's the only girl, you know. Even if there were a hundred girls here, she'd stick out to me."

Tanaka felt the same way. There was something that made you shine like the sun to him. He wished desperately that the two of them shared classes with you, but you remained elusive. They only ever saw you at lunch, and even then, you were often accosted by other boys. It was clear the two of them had competition, and it stung more than anything when you laughed at their jokes or turned your bright smiles on them.

You were kind. Too kind. Thankfully, you were intelligent enough to tell when a guy was bad news and tough enough to hold your own ground. Maybe it was because your dad was the general, but you really could turn serious when a guy got too pushy.

The longer the two spent around you, the more obsessed they became with your existence. Tanaka found himself following you around a little between classes, although he got in big trouble if he was late to any classes. Nishinoya was eager to show off how much he loved you, pouncing on every opportunity to get close to you.

It was starting to make you suspicious, distancing yourself from them, but they couldn't help it. When they fell in love, they fell deeply.

They had started to discuss extremes, things that made them shiver with dark excitement. It was impossible to bring you back to their room and keep you there and it was a bad idea to mess with you in general, after all, your father would give them hell to pay if they screwed up.

They loved you to death, they needed to have you all to themselves. No sharing with the scum that roamed this school.

Hopefully, you wouldn't share the same fate as Kyoko.

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