CONFINE PART 2 (Ushijima Wakatoshi)

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Requested on my Tumblr.

Fun fact: Confine is my most popular story (and post in general) on Tumblr! I've always been surprised by that, since I have ones I personally like a lot more and because Betray gets a lot more interaction! But I do have a soft spot in my heart for Confine!

Title: Confine (Part 2)

Pairings: Ushijima x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, misogyny

Summary: Ushijima would like to extend your trip to the countryside from a couple months to forever. He'd also like you by his side. Unfortunately, your preferences aren't necessary.



restrain or forbid someone from leaving (a place).

The frilly pink apron you wear feels suffocating.

Had you been given a choice, you would never put something like that on your body. Too bad your opinion was irrelevant in this place.

While Ushijima was gone, you were finally allowed to breathe a little. But not by much, for you were never sure when he'd return, demanding your attention and making sure you'd behaved yourself the way he wanted you to.

If he were to walk in around dinnertime and dinner wasn't on the table, you hate to think how he'd react. If he were to see you cooking without your apron and oven mitts, well, that'd be even worse.

He somehow managed to baby you while still expecting you to do all the housework. It was clear he expected you to play the role of a traditional housewife, but he also panicked if you came close to being hurt while doing so. He still hadn't forgived himself for the one time you'd spilled a little hot soup on your wrist, leading to the getup you were forced to wear whenever touching anything above "warm".

Cooking options were limited enough as they were, since you weren't allowed anything sharper than a butter knife to cut ingredients. It didn't matter how much or how little you'd known about cooking before being forced through the cabin door- the man had mountains of flashcards with handwritten recipes on them. His mothers', apparently.

"You have to know how to cook, for your husband and for our children."

You'd learned long ago to give up on trying to correct him about your relationship status. The delusional man truly believed you two had gotten married, as though his kidnapping of you was the just two of you returning from your honeymoon.

But the phrase "for our children" is what truly haunted you. You didn't want anything to do with this psychopath, much less have his child. He had never forced unwanted advances on you, but it scared you that he was so sure of this future he had planned for you both.

It was like living in a dollhouse. Wearing a painted-on smile as you greeted him whenever he got home and as you pretended everything was okay. Making sure the house looked absolutely perfect. Never arguing or fighting back.

Ushijima and you would probably look like the perfect couple to any outsider when, in reality, your relationship was built on fear and entrapment. You were stuck with him as long as the chain on your ankle and the locks on the doors remained.

You pulled the meal out of the oven and pulled off the oven mitts while dinner cooled down, wiping your sweaty hands on your apron. You could barely feel relaxed with the anxiety of knowing he'll return (and what would happen to you if he didn't?). But whenever he was gone, you felt... free.

You could finally forget about being ripped away from your amazing parents. You could pretend like this house of cards was your own. You could remind yourself that you weren't Ushijima's perfect little Barbie doll.

Whenever he decided to come home, you'd have to be at his side in an instant, asking how his day was, but never where he'd gone or what he'd been up to. You'd have to take his coat from him and hang it up, just like a good wife should.

You were sure he'd be home any moment for dinner (you had it at the same time every day, like clockwork), but there was no telling exactly when. The walls were soundproof and there were no windows, so you'd always be kept on your toes, jumping out of your skin when the door swung open.

You wished you could just take a nap.

Softly, and with fear of interruption, you sang to yourself. It was a habit you'd grown used to, and you desperately hoped Ushijima never heard. You didn't want him to forbid you from it or, worse, demand you sing for him.

He terrified you. You were positive he could rip off your head with just one strong pull from those big hands of his.

You hoped police would swoop in one day and cart him off while freeing you from your prison, but you doubted they had any leads to where you'd gone. You'd simply disappeared while walking home from work, in their eyes.

Did they even care? You knew your parents would worry and know that you didn't just run away, but the police wouldn't have that kind of insight.

You wished you could confide with someone about how frightened you were. Of him, of possible future children, of living this way forever, of dying here. You didn't want to keep this all to yourself until it bubbled over into something that got you in trouble.

You just wanted-



Your heart dropped in your chest.

He's home.

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