RHODODENDRON (Oikawa and Iwaizumi)

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Part 2 of the Flower Language Series (Part 1 is in Dark Obsession)

I got these meanings from the internet, so some may be wrong. Sorry if that is the case, but please ignore my mistakes.

Please do not request the Flower Language Series.

Title: Rhododendron

Pairings: Oikawa Tooru x Reader; Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader

WARNINGS: Yandere themes, murder

Flower meaning: Danger, beware

Summary: There's something off about your husband's new androids.

"I know you don't like me bringing home work, but this is going to blow your mind," your husband said, one hand on your shoulders as he led you through the apartment to the living room, one hand over your eyes.

You had a half-smile on your lips, "This has to do with your 'top secret new project', doesn't it?"

You came to a stop and he removed his hand from your eyes, saying, "You tell me."

A gasp left your lips. In your doorway stood two tall, rather attractive men with their eyes closed. After a moment, something struck you as off about them, though you couldn't put your finger on what it was. Maybe it was the way their skin shone under the fluorescent lights. Or maybe, the fact that their skin had no flaws whatsoever and their faces had perfect symmetry.

You spotted your husband's company's logo on their matching blue shirts and realization hit you.

"They're- they're robots, aren't they?"

"Androids," your husband was practically glowing, "I designed them myself. What do you think?"

"They look so real..." you left out the part where you found that to be very creepy.

"Just wait until they open their eyes," your husband replied eagerly, misreading your hesitation, "The one on the left is called 'Oikawa'. His model is designed for housekeeping and basic chores. The one on the right is 'Iwaizumi', and he's kind of like an android guard dog."

"And they'll be... staying here?" you murmured, unsure of how you felt about their presence.

Your husband finally noticed that you were less than enthusiastic and began to squirm a little, "Well, yeah, just for a little while. They need to be tested so we can work out any bugs. They aren't dangerous or anything, I promise."

"And no one else can take them?" you asked in a small voice. You couldn't help but shiver when you looked at them- something about them frightened you. Some part of you needed them gone.

The pained look on your husband's face told you all you needed to know, and your heart sank. His voice was quiet when he spoke next, "I'm the lead designer on this project, so it's required that I test them in a natural environment... I'm really sorry, honey."

You squared your shoulders and forced a smile to your face, "It's fine. It's totally fine."

"It doesn't sound fine."

"Well, like you said, we don't really have a choice," you said, unable to keep the sourness out of your voice this time.

"I'll turn them on," your husband said softly, "Maybe you'll warm up to them."

"I hope so," you sighed. You didn't mean to be so unsupportive, but you had both agreed to keep your work at the office and, sometimes, it felt like only you held up your side of the promise. Not to mention, his "work" this time around was very unsettling.

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