Chapter 1: 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes'

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•Time jump (i'm sorry i know everyone hates those, but trust me, it's vital)! The prologue took place somewhere in the middle of Civil War and now we're in the aftermath of Endgame!•

The Blip.

Another gift that was given to us by The Avengers, 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes.' Five years ago, I turned to dust, or so I'm told. The apartment I complained very much about now belongs to someone else and, ironically, has been turned into an expensive condo complex. All of my things were gone, repossessed, sold, everything I owned. Including the only object I had left that reminded me of my life back home.

I came back as if nothing had happened. I was in the middle of a small conversation with Austin when I disappeared. When I came back, I continued with the exact words I was going to say. Though, my brain seemed to turn to mush when I saw Austin. His hair no longer to his shoulders but a buzzcut and that the cafe I had left... was no longer a cafe. It was a small restaurant.

The look of pure and genuine horror that I received from Austin was enough to have me barreling out of the shop. My breath was catching in my throat every second. People were appearing out of thin air, hitting my shoulders and tripping me. I ran until my lungs burned and finally made it to my apartment... well, my old apartment. I had busted through the door, tears streaming down my face and completely terrified the new tenants.

But that was then. Things have moved along, people have moved on, everyone is trying to forget. Fortunately enough, Austin was kind enough to let me keep my job at the new restaurant. He still fills me in on all things Avengers whenever he can. In some ways, things haven't changed. But in others, they'll never be the same.

I twist the key, locking the front doors as soon as the clock hits nine. I blow out a breath and untie my apron from my waist. Austin sits at the register, dividing tips of the day and clocking how many hours each employee has worked this week. He has always insisted on strict uniforms, black shirts with black pants.

Although, he makes an exception for me. I'm still unsure why he does. At first, it was an issue. I always found myself and continue finding myself wearing something that incorporates baby blue or cerulean. And today, that was a mini baby blue pleated plaid skirt, a white tank top, a small blue cardigan, and cream-colored heels that add just a bit of height.

I begin cleaning off the tables in the dim light. What once was an airy light coffee shop is now a wannabe elegant dining space with dark burgundy walls and small round wooden tables. It still startles me when I look at Austin—seeing how he's aged over the past five years. I left at twenty-two years old and came back the same. But, Austin didn't. His once dark brown hair is littered with salt and pepper spots and soft lines have formed around his eyes.

"Any better this week?" I inquire, trying to make conversation through the silence that has gripped hold of both of us.

He shakes his head as he scribbles more information on the back of a receipt. "Not too good, kid," he mumbles.

After I finish cleaning all the tables, sweeping the linoleum floor, and stacking all the chairs, Austin and I sit in the kitchen together, eating ice cream out of small bowls before we both leave. Truthfully, I never really want to go. Austin has been like a father to me before and after the blip. He's never left me without what I need or will need.

I shovel another spoonful of chocolate ice cream into my mouth as he stares at his bowl. "So, tell me more!" I say enthusiastically.

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