Chapter 23: The Sapphire Sorceress

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•Sorry for the late update!! Anyway, the song I added ^^ really adds emotion for a portion of the chapter (i'm sure you can guess which part), i also added Nadya's new suit in the picture! enjoy!•

I step onto the driveway leading up to the quaint apartment complex in Brooklyn. It's quiet, only the wind whistling through the trees ring in my ears as I await further instructions. The building is small, only a few windows lit up by different colored lights. Some warm white, some the glow from a TV screen and others are black. The breeze is warm as it blows through my ponytail, which makes my brows knit together.

How long have I been gone?

Through the cover of night I was able to walk the streets freely instead of sneaking from place to place. "He's in apartment four B." A voice rings in my ear. I'm being watched surely, just from a distance. I close my eyes and visualize the interior of the complex, the fourth floor. I step onto the burgundy carpeted floors, and scan the doors seeing four A, four C, and four B.

I stand in front of the door in the poorly lit hallway, listening for thoughts of any kind. I twist my hand out, tangling my fingers in the web of blue waves coming from them until I hear the distinct click of the door being unlocked. I open the door to a dark living area, dimly lit up by a small television in the center of the far wall. Laying on the couch across from it is the man I've come to kill. He looks similar to the Austin I thought I knew, the salt and pepper hair, sparse facial hair. For a second, a split second, I wonder where I would be if he was the one I met first.

I step around the clutter on the ground and make my way over to the couch. I watch him for a moment, seeing the light from the TV cast shadows over his sleeping face. He looks very peaceful, and part of me feels an element of guilt for having to interrupt it. I gently grab his wrist, soft enough not to wake him and shut my eyes.

A cry of pain startles everyone in the restaurant I used to work at. Turns out, everyone who was working there along with me was part of the whole scheme. How dumb I had been to think people would actually be kind and help me.

"Who the hell are you people?" Austin exclaims, trying to crawl away when I drop his wrist. His voice echoes around the bright kitchen, making him disoriented.

I gesture to him, seeing the man whom I thought was Austin staring at me with wide eyes. "Go on, then," he gleams with a proud smile covering his face.

Somewhere inside of me there's a voice, screaming for me to stop, to spare this man's life. But the voice is too small for me to acknowledge it. I turn to the man on the ground, trembling with fear and tilt my head at him. I raise my hand, closing it just a bit, making him gasp as he loses his breath.

"Stop!" He begs and I close my fingers a bit more. I could have this done in an instant. I would rather it be that than slow like this. Though, I was instructed to be slow. To take my time in hurting him. "Please!" He wheezes and I feel my hand begin to falter at the pain in his pleas. I don't feel guilt. I feel annoyance.

I grit my teeth and close my fist, screams begin echoing around the room. He rolls around, trying to break free of my hold but it doesn't help him one bit. I know, with one clench of my fist, he'll be dead. Everything seems to slow, his screams are louder, more fright induced, even.

"We do not have all day, Miss Ivanov." A low voice jeers beside me and my lip twitches in irritation.

I watch the man writhing on the ground, pleading, begging for help. And I'm reminded of a memory, buried deep within my mind. I begin tightening my fist slowly, hearing the thoughts coming from him. The pleas for a miracle. It's pitiful.

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