Chapter 52: What Happens When the Hero Becomes the Villain?

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*Here we are, the last chapter. It genuinely feels like the end of an era. I've been writing this for so long, it honestly feels like Nadya has become a part of me. Following this chapter, there will be one more, but it probably won't be what you expect. As always, translations are at the end of each paragraph. Enjoy!*


My body recoils as the doors slam open. The air that rushes out feels like it's being rejected by every bone, every molecule, every cell in my body. Like a slap in the face, my lungs force the air out, as if I'd just been punched in the gut.

Though with the burning sensation that can only be compared to an organ failing in my body, I hold my stance. The air feels like needles puncturing my skin. It's cold but wakes me up.

I scan my eyes around the room for hydra agents that may pop out of any corners. It's eerily quiet. My heartbeat thunders in my ears almost as if it's echoing off the walls. It's quite dark, too. I expected the building to look run down and ominous. Yet with concrete walls that have many dents in them, concrete flooring, and water coming from the ceiling it looks as if I've walked into a horror movie. Movement catches my eye and I see James holding a similar stance to me. He's holding his gun and training it on anything that moves, which isn't a lot.

Where the hell are they?

My eyes wander around the vast room, laptops and lab equipment are scattered across the many tables. Screens lit up with maps that glow red are on each wall. Different locations are marked on each map, highlighting different areas that seem familiar. I take another step inside the building to examine the maps but stop when my eyes begin to burn a nasty fire.

I grunt at the feeling and hear heavy footsteps echoing around the room. My eyes dance around. The burning only gets worse when I see the two rows of soldiers appear from the darkened corners of the room. They move almost in unison, almost like they knew I was coming.

"No," I murmur to myself, trying to will them to go away. To abandon their mission and get far away from this.

I look to my right and to my left, seeing they all have shields and guns trained on me. I take a deep breath, knowing what I have to do. James and I could fight through this. But that would take too long. I have to finish this. I have to finish what I started. James has similar thoughts but I don't want to drag this out longer than it needs to be.

I know what I have to do.

I don't want to hear the thoughts of the nazi elitist group begging for their lives. I don't want to hear the fantasizing about how much praise they'll get for bringing the head of the sapphire sorceress to the boss. It fuels my anger. It fuels my sadness.

I lower my head, keeping my eyes looming ahead, and feel a pang of guilt when the red targeting dots from their guns leave my chest and all face one another. My lip quivers at my actions. If seventeen year old me could see me now she would cower in fear. I hear all of their thoughts. And there have to be at least twenty-four of them in this room.

The commotion is echoing in the vast room and I think I hear James saying my name but I can only hear the pleas to spare their lives.


I lift my finger and numerous silenced gunshots echo in my ears. The burn leaves my eyes as I keep them forward. All of the soldiers' weight drop to the concrete floor and with each thud I am that much closer to ending this. Movement catches my eye when James walks into my line of vision. He takes in his surroundings, checking the many men on the ground before looking at me with utter horror on his face.

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