Chapter 20: The Big Three

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I cringe in the material of my suit. The dried blood still stuck on the fabric is making it stick against my chest in the most unpleasant way possible. I tuck my phone into the pocket on my thigh and tie half my hair back. I keep my eyes focused anywhere but the dresser. As if the locket is mocking me through the drawer. Yelling at me that I'm doing the wrong thing and should find out who snuck in here just to write what was in the locket.

I shake my head at myself in the mirror, I need to focus on the mission at hand. The Global Repatriation Council is meeting in the city to discuss a vote regarding displaced citizens post blip. The Flag Smashers marked the meeting building as a target so, according to Sam, that's where we're heading.

Why is it always New York?

"You don't have to come," Bucky says, leaning against my doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. "It's been a rough couple of days. Sam and I have this covered."

I take a deep breath and kick my bags back under my bed. "This is what I signed up for, Bucky." I look over to him and see his face is locked in a pained expression. "We're in this together." He looks up at me with a soft expression and I raise my eyebrows at him. "Now more than ever," I add.

"I don't want you to get hurt," he mumbles.

I chew on my lip, seeing him back in his suit giving me memories of our first mission. The deep contrast of feelings giving me a sense of deja vu. I shake my head at him and he tilts his head at me. "We're going to make this right," I say, trying to convince myself more so than him.

He smiles at me and takes a few steps towards me, closing the gap between us. He wraps me in a warm embrace, hugging me to his chest and burying his face in my neck. "I never told you how sexy you look in your suit, did I?" He sighs into my neck and I grin, feeling my cold demeanor melt at his warm voice.

"No, you didn't," I respond and tighten my arms around his neck. I pull back and press my lips to his, giving him a chaste kiss. I brush the hair away from his forehead and he smiles at me weakly, looking tired but worried at the same time. "Everything will be okay," I whisper, leaning my forehead against his, "I promise."

His arms tighten around my waist for a moment before he pulls away. "Ready whenever you are," he says with mock enthusiasm.

I smirk at him. "Where did Sam say the building was again?" My brows knit together as I try to remember where exactly the building was in the city. Rather than saying anything,

Bucky hands me his phone, showing me the building in uptown New York marked with a red handprint. I push a breath out and hand it back to him. "Okay, let's go," I breathe, grabbing Bucky's hand and closing my eyes.

⩔ ⩔ ⩔ ⩔

The streets are busier than usual, louder even. The GRC building is lined with police cars and the streets are filled with reporters, protestors, bystanders, and military personnel. I can't hear a damn thing related to the Flag Smashers with all of these people crowded around the building.

"Anything?" Bucky's voice drips into my head filled with unwanted thoughts.

I shake my head. "There's too many people," I shout over the commotion. Though we're definitely not in regular attire, no one has seemed to notice, everyone's attention is on this building in front of us.

"The buildings' on lockdown," I mumble as the thought enters my mind. The glass windows in front of us glow an eerie red and helicopters begin to circle the building. "Do you think they're already here?"

"Almost there." Sam's voice comes through comms, interrupting my question.

"What's the plan?" Bucky asks, gently grabbing my arm for me to follow him through the crowd.

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